[][src]Crate serde_generate

This crate provides experimental code generation in several languages for the formats extracted by serde_reflection.

Supported Languages

  • Python 3
  • Rust 2018

Supported Encodings

The code generated by this crate is meant to be used together with a runtime that defines a particular Serde encoding format.

We currently only support binary formats similar to Bincode.

Binary Tool

Together with the library serde_generate, we provide a simple binary tool to process Serde formats saved on disk.

Assuming that a serde_reflection::Registry object has been serialized in a YAML file test.yaml, the following command will generate Python class definitions and write them into test.py.

cargo run -p serde-generate -- --language python3 test.yaml > test.py

See the help message of the tool with --help for more options.

Bincode Runtime(s)

For testing purposes, we use the Bincode encoding format provided by the bincode crate in Rust and provide an experimental Bincode runtime in Python.

In the following example, we transfer a Test value from Rust to Python using bincode.

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_reflection::{Registry, Samples, Tracer, TracerConfig};
use std::io::Write;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Test {
    a: Vec<u64>,
    b: (u32, u32),

// Obtain the Serde format of `Test`.
let mut tracer = Tracer::new(TracerConfig::default());
let registry = tracer.registry().unwrap();

// Create Python class definitions.
let mut source = Vec::new();
serde_generate::python3::output(&mut source, &registry)?;
from dataclasses import dataclass
import typing
import serde_types as st

class Test:
    a: typing.Sequence[st.uint64]
    b: typing.Tuple[st.uint32, st.uint32]


// Append some test code to demonstrate Bincode deserialization
// using the runtime in `serde_generate/runtime/python/bincode`.
import bincode

value, _ = bincode.deserialize(bytes.fromhex("{}"), Test)
assert value == Test(a=[4, 6], b=(3, 5))
    hex::encode(&bincode::serialize(&Test { a: vec![4, 6], b: (3, 5) }).unwrap()),

// Execute the Python code.
let mut child = std::process::Command::new("python3")
    .env("PYTHONPATH", std::env::var("PYTHONPATH").unwrap_or_default() + ":runtime/python")
let output = child.wait_with_output()?;



Dependency analysis and topological sort for Serde formats.


Support for code-generation in Python 3


Support for code-generation in Rust



How to copy generated source code and available runtimes for a given language.