sequoia-sop 0.22.1

An implementation of the Stateless OpenPGP Command Line Interface using Sequoia
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An implementation of the Stateless OpenPGP Command Line Interface using Sequoia.

This implements a subset of the Stateless OpenPGP Command Line Interface (SOP) using the Sequoia OpenPGP implementation. While SOP is not intended for daily use, it is a good way to interact with and explore OpenPGP implementations. SOP is primarily used as abstraction in the OpenPGP interoperability test suite.

SOP primer

To demonstrate SOP, let's generate a key, and encrypt and decrypt a message:

$ sqop generate-key > julia.secret.pgp
$ sqop extract-cert < julia.secret.pgp > julia.public.pgp

First, we generate a key for Next, we extract the certificate, i.e. the key without the secret key material.

$ echo "a message" | sqop encrypt julia.public.pgp > message.pgp
$ sqop decrypt julia.secret.pgp < message.pgp
a message

Here, we encrypt a message with Julia's certificate, and decrypt it with her key.