sensorlog 0.1.0

A lightweight data logging service
sensorlog-0.1.0 is not a library.
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sensorlog is a lightweight data logging service.

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Data Model

The sensorlog binary is a standalone server program that allows you to store and retrieve measurement data. Clients interact with the server via a network API. The interface is very simple and consists of only three operations:

  • insertMeasurement(sensor_id, time, data) - Store a measurement
  • fetchMeasurements(sensor_id, from, until) - Retrieve all measurements in the specified time range
  • fetchLastMeasurement(sensor_id) - Retrieve the most recent measurement

A measurement is a 3-tuple of time, sensor_id and data. The time field should contain the wall clock time at which the measurement was taken. The sensor_id field is used to identify a logical stream of consecutive measurements. The data field is treated as an opaque blob; the contents are entirely user-defined.


The fastest way to install sensorlog is via the the Cargo utility:

$ cargo install sensorlog

Getting Started

Execute the following command to start sensorlog on HTTP port 8080. The messages will be stored in /var/sensordata:

$ mkdir /var/sensordata
$ sensorlog --datadir /var/sensordata --listen_http localhost:8080 --quota_default infinite

In a shell, run this command to insert the measurement "3250" for sensor 's1.hydraulic_pressure_psi' (the time parameter will be defaulted to the current wall clock time):

$ curl \
    -X POST \
    -d '{ "sensor_id": "s1.hydraulic_pressure_psi", "data": "3250" }' \

Afterwards, run this command to retrieve the last 10 minutes of measurements from the 's1.hydraulic_pressure_psi' sensor:

$ curl \
    -X POST \
    -d '{ "sensor_id": "s1.hydraulic_pressure_psi", "from": "-10min", "until": "now" }' \

The output should look similar to this:

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 944

    "time": 1526136156,
    "data": "3250"
    "time": 1526136157,
    "data": "3250"

Retention & Quotas

The retention and garbage collection system of sensorlog is based around a simple storage quota that is assigned to each sensor_id. Once the quota for a given sensor is used up, old measurements are dropped whenever new measurements are added for that sensor. Quotas are expressed in bytes and rotation of measurements is always first-in, first-out.

Quotas are configured using command line flags when starting the sensorlog server. You can set a default quota value that applies to all sensors as well as a quota override for each individual sensor id.

For example, to start sensorlog in a "whitelisting" configuration, set the default quota to zero and then explicitly allocate storage for each sensor.

$ sensorlog \
    --listen_http localhost:8080 \
    --quota_default zero \
    --quota my.first.key:1MB \
    --quota some/other/key:4MB

In the above configuration, the total disk space used by sensorlog will be bounded, but you can not insert data from sensors that are not pre-configured. The exact opposite configuration would be setting the default quota to infinite. This configuration allows you to store data from not previously known sensors, but may use an unbounded amount of disk space:

$ sensorlog \
    --listen_http localhost:8080 \
    --quota_default infinite

Clock Watchdog

By default, sensorlog will store the current, absolute wall clock time with each measurement. This can be problematic when running on an 'offline' system that does not have access to a true clock reference like GPS or the internet.

Let's assume that we're running on such an offline system that requires the system time to be configured by a field operator. Consider the case where the operator incorrectly enters a system time far in the future and later, after noticing the mistake, changes the system time to the correct value. How should a service like sensorlog behave in this scenario?

The naive behaviour would be to simply fail open and continue to serve the existing data on record. Of course, this would mean serving incorrect data without any way for the user to tell that it is incorrect. Clearly not a good solution!

So instead, sensorlog offers a 'clock watchdog' option that allows you to fail closed whenever the system time changes in unexpected ways. With the clock watchdog enabled sensorlog will watch the system clock and trigger the watchdog once it detects a large jump in time.

The watchdog can run in either of two modes called 'panic' and 'wipe'. In the 'panic' mode, sensorlog will simply exit with an error message when the watchdog is triggered. In the 'wipe' mode, triggering the watchdog will result in all stored measurement data to be deleted.

Here is how to enable the clock watchdog in 'panic' mode and set it up to trigger if the time jumps forwards by more than 7 days or backwards by more than 10 minutes.

$ sensorlog \
  --clock_watchdog panic \
  --clock_watchdog_trigger_forward 7days \
  --clock_watchdog_trigger_backward 10min \


The sensorlog distribution consists of two programs: sensorlogd and sensorlogctl. The sensorlogd program is the main server program and the second sensorlogctl program is a simple command line client.

All configuration options are set as command line arguments:

Usage: $ sensorlogd [OPTIONS]


      Listen for HTTP connection on this address

      Set the data directory

      Set the default storage quota for all sensors

       Set the storage quota for a given sensor id

      Enable the clock watchdog. Modes are 'off', 'panic' and 'wipe'

      Trigger the clock watchdog if the system time jumps forward by more than threshold

      Trigger the clock watchdog if the system time jumps backward by more than threshold

      Daemonize the server

      Write a PID file

   --loglevel <level>
      Minimum log level (default: INFO)

      Do[n't] log to syslog

      Do[n't] log to stderr

   -?, --help
      Display this help text and exit

   -V, --version
      Display the version of this binary and exit

   $ sensorlog --datadir /var/sensordata --listen_http localhost:8080 --quota_default infinite


The HTTP+JSON API is very simple. Below is a list of all API methods. For more detailed documentation on the API please refer to the the documentation

POST /api/v1/store_measurement
     Store a measurement for a given sensor

POST /api/v1/fetch_last_measurement
     Retrieve the most recent measurement from a given sensor

POST /api/v1/fetch_measurements
     Retrieve all measurements from a given sensor in the specified time range

 GET /ping
     Responds with 'pong'

Design Goals

Since sensorlog is designed for semi-embedded use cases, i.e. to run on a constrained system in a high-reliability environment, the primary design goals are simplicity, robustness and bounded resource usage.

Whenever there is a conflict between these goals and other competing goals we have to make a tradeoff. Hence, sensorlog does not feature a particularly high operation throughput, low operation latency or minimal resource usage.


  • sensorlog requires the time of measurements to be monotonically increasing. If you try to insert a measurement that is older than another measurement that is already stored, you will get an error message.

  • sensorlog can not differentiate between having been re-started and a forward jump in system time. That means that shutting down the sensorlog service for a long period and then re-starting could result in a false positive watchdog trigger. To prevent this, the clock watchdog foward trigger value should be set to a value that is larger than the longest expected downtime.

  • The specified storage quotas are applied to the total used storage space including sensorlog's metadata, but excluding filesystem overheads. This means the amount of storage actually available for measurement payload data is a bit less than the configured quota. Also, the amount of actual disk space used is a bit more than the configured quota once filesystem overheads are accounted for.

  • The clock watchdog may fail to trigger in an A-B-A scenario where the system time changes very quickly. However, this is not a problem in practice since the only case in which the watchdog fails to trigger is the case in which no measurements were stored or retrieved during the intermittent clock change.

Alternatives Considered

  • Another alternative strategy for dealing with clock changes would be to handle them gracefully by re-writing the existing data to correct for the time offset. However, this solution was not chosen for sensorlog since it was deemed to be a bit too expensive and error prone to implement in practice.


Copyright © 2018 nyantec GmbH <>

  Paul Asmuth <>

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