Crate sensehat_screen[][src]

A Rust library for the Raspberry Pi Sense HAT LED Screen

The Raspberry Pi Sense HAT has an 8×8 RGB LED matrix that provides its own driver for the Linux framebuffer.

This library provides a thread-safe, strong-typed, high-level API for the LED matrix, treating it as you would any other screen on a Linux box.

For examples, please check the examples/ folder in the source code.


  • Screen offers a high-level API for the LED Matrix.

    Internally, it stores a PixelFrame meant to be rendered on the LED Matrix.

    With the linux-framebuffer feature, enabled by default, Screen will have two methods:

    1. Screen::open which opens the framebuffer file-descriptor given as the only argument.

    2. Screen::write_frame which takes a &FrameLine and writes the raw bytes onto the framebuffer, effectively displaying the PixelFrame on the LED Matrix.

  • PixelFrame is a collection of 64 PixelColor, representing the 8-row by 8-column LED Matrix.

  • PixelColor is a 24-bit representation of an RGB color, encoded in three bytes.

Low-level constructs

  • Rgb565 is a 16-bit representation of an RGB color, encoded in two bytes. This is the format. Rgb565 converts into/from PixelColor. supported by the LED Matrix's framebuffer device.
  • FrameLine is the raw-byte rendering of the PixelFrame, properly encoded and ready to be written into the framebuffer device.

Frame operations

  • Rotate

    Requires feature = "rotate", which is enabled by default.

    Rotate the PixelFrame by Rotate::None, Rotate::Ccw90, Rotate::Ccw180, or Rotate::Ccw270, that correspond to a counter-clockwise angle of , 90°, 180°, and 270°, respectively.

  • Offset

    Requires feature = "offset", which is enabled by default.

    Offset the PixelFrame by Offset::left(n), Offset::right(n), Offset::bottom(n), or Offset::top(n), where n is an integer between in the 0..=8 range.

    Offset with a value of n = 0, return a clone of the PixelFrame.

    Offset with a value of n = 8, return a PixelFrame offset out of view, represented with black pixels (LEDs are off).

  • Clip

    Requires feature = "clip", which is enabled by default.

    Creates a clip of two PixelFrames, by defining an Offset. See the clip documentation for more details.


pub extern crate framebuffer;
pub use self::color::BackgroundColor;
pub use self::color::PixelColor;
pub use self::color::StrokeColor;
pub use self::fonts::font_to_frame;
pub use self::fonts::font_to_pixel_frame;
pub use self::fonts::FontCollection;
pub use self::fonts::FontString;
pub use self::fonts::FONT_COLLECTION;
pub use self::fonts::FONT_HASHMAP;
pub use self::frame::clip::Clip;
pub use self::frame::Offset;
pub use self::frame::rotate::Rotate;
pub use self::frame::FrameLine;
pub use self::frame::PixelFrame;
pub use self::screen::Screen;
pub use self::scroll::Scroll;



RGB color for LED pixels, with RGB565 rendering support.


Errors for the SenseHat Screen.


8x8 font collection


Frames for the LED Matrix screen


Framebuffer support for the Sense HAT LED Matrix.


Scrolling for pixel frames on the LED Matrix.