sensehat-screen 0.1.3

A Rust library for using the 8x8-LED RGB565 screen on the Raspberry SenseHat device.

A Rust library for the Raspberry Pi Sense HAT LED Screen docs

The Raspberry Pi Sense HAT has an 8×8 RGB LED matrix that provides its own driver for the Linux framebuffer.

This library provides a thread-safe, strong-typed, high-level API for the LED matrix, treating it as you would any other screen on a Linux box.


To use this crate with the default features, add this to your Cargo.toml:

sensehat-screen = "0.1"

or, to manually specify the features::

sensehat-screen = { version = "0.1", default-features = false, features = ["fonts"] }

Then you can use it with your crate:

extern crate sensehat_screen

use sensehat_screen::{FontCollection, FrameLine, PixelColor, Screen};


The following program shows how to:

  • Open the framebuffer file-descriptor for the LED matrix screen (screen)
  • Define a pixel color (red_pixel)
  • Define a vector of each pixel color that makes up the screen (all_64_pixels)
  • Turn that vector into a valid screen frame
  • Show the frame on the screen
extern crate sensehat_screen;

use sensehat_screen::{FrameLine, PixelColor, Screen};

fn main() {
    let mut screen = Screen::new("/dev/fb1")
        .expect("Could not open the framebuffer for the screen");

    let red_pixel = PixelColor::new(255, 0, 0); // The pixel color's RGB components are each in the range of 0 <= c < 256.

    let all_64_pixels = vec![&red_pixel; 64];   // A single vector of 8 x 8 = 64 pixel colors (rows are grouped by chunks of 8)

    let all_red_screen = FrameLine::from_pixels(&all_64_pixels); // a screen frame

    screen.write_frame(&all_red_screen); // show the frame on the LED matrix

Source Code Examples



By default, the linux-framebuffer, fonts, and serde-support features are included.


Use the Linux framebuffer to write to the LED matrix.


A collection of legacy 8x8 fonts, renderable on the LED matrix.


Enables support for serialization/deserialization with serde.

Feature Wish List

  • linux-framebuffer - Use the Linux framebuffer to write to the LED matrix.
  • fonts - A collection of legacy 8x8 fonts, renderable on the LED matrix.
  • serde-support - Enables support for serialization/deserialization with serde.
  • images - Load 8x8 images to the LED matrix with image.
  • cgmath - Computer-graphics utilities for manipulating the matrix mathematically.