initSidebarItems({"constant":[["MAX_CHUNK_SIZE","MAX_CHUNK_SIZE defined as 1MB."],["MAX_MEMORY_MAP_SIZE","MAX_MEMORY_MAP_SIZE defined as 1GB."],["MIN_CHUNK_SIZE","MIN_CHUNK_SIZE defined as 1KB."]],"enum":[["DataMap","Holds the information that is required to recover the content of the encrypted file. Depending on the file size, such info can be held as a vector of ChunkDetails, or as raw data."]],"struct":[["ChunkDetails","Struct holds pre and post encryption hashes as well as original chunk size."],["SelfEncryptor","This is the encryption object and all file handling should be done using this object as the low level mechanism to read and write *content*. This library has no knowledge of file metadata. This is a library to ensure content is secured."],["Sequencer","Optionally create a sequence of bytes via a vector or memory map."]],"trait":[["Storage","Storage traits of SelfEncryptor. Data stored in Storage is encrypted, name is the SHA512 hash of content. Storage can be in-memory HashMap or disk based"]]});