initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ContextFlag","Flags used to determine the capabilities of a `Secp256k1` object; the more capabilities, the more expensive it is to create."],["Error","An ECDSA error"]],"mod":[["constants","Constants Constants related to the API and the underlying curve"],["ecdh","ECDH Support for shared secret computations"],["ffi","FFI bindings Direct bindings to the underlying C library functions. These should not be needed for most users."],["key","Public and secret keys"],["schnorr","Schnorr signatures"]],"struct":[["Message","A (hashed) message input to an ECDSA signature"],["RecoverableSignature","An ECDSA signature with a recovery ID for pubkey recovery"],["RecoveryId","A tag used for recovering the public key from a compact signature"],["Secp256k1","The secp256k1 engine, used to execute all signature operations"],["Signature","An ECDSA signature"]]});