seadawg 0.1.0

SeaDawg is a library that implements the online algorithm for Direct Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG) and Compact Direct Acyclic Word Graph (CDAWG).

SeaDAWG Rust

Open high performance implementation of an Online DAWG and Online CDAWG for string indexing.

Support for Prefix, Contains, Suffix and Exact match queries.

WARNING: I encourage looking at Finite State Transducers for larger corpus of data.

Remark about Rust

Rust is stupidly weird about mutable and immutable. If I have a MUT lock on an object, then I must obviously have exclusive access to the object's internal data. WTF is this annoying error around not being able to take a non exclusive READ (immutable) lock where I already have an exclusive WRITE (mutable) lock. I resort to unsafe in order to grab mut inner data.