sea-orm-rocket 0.5.5

SeaORM Rocket support crate
use rocket::figment::Figment;

/// Generic [`Database`](crate::Database) driver connection pool trait.
/// This trait provides a generic interface to various database pooling
/// implementations in the Rust ecosystem. It can be implemented by anyone.
/// This is adapted from the original `rocket_db_pools`. But on top we require
/// `Connection` itself to be `Sync`. Hence, instead of cloning or allocating
/// a new connection per request, here we only borrow a reference to the pool.
/// In SeaORM, only *when* you are about to execute a SQL statement will a
/// connection be acquired from the pool, and returned as soon as the query finishes.
/// This helps a bit with concurrency if the lifecycle of a request is long enough.
/// ```
pub trait Pool: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static {
    /// The connection type managed by this pool.
    type Connection;

    /// The error type returned by [`Self::init()`].
    type Error: std::error::Error;

    /// Constructs a pool from a [Value](rocket::figment::value::Value).
    /// It is up to each implementor of `Pool` to define its accepted
    /// configuration value(s) via the `Config` associated type.  Most
    /// integrations provided in `sea_orm_rocket` use [`Config`], which
    /// accepts a (required) `url` and an (optional) `pool_size`.
    /// ## Errors
    /// This method returns an error if the configuration is not compatible, or
    /// if creating a pool failed due to an unavailable database server,
    /// insufficient resources, or another database-specific error.
    async fn init(figment: &Figment) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;

    /// Borrows a reference to the pool
    fn borrow(&self) -> &Self::Connection;

/// A mock object which impl `Pool`, for testing only
pub struct MockPool;

pub struct MockPoolErr;

impl std::fmt::Display for MockPoolErr {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{self:?}")

impl std::error::Error for MockPoolErr {}

impl Pool for MockPool {
    type Error = MockPoolErr;

    type Connection = bool;

    async fn init(_figment: &Figment) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {

    fn borrow(&self) -> &Self::Connection {