sea-orm-cli 0.10.4

Command line utility for SeaORM
sea-orm-cli-0.10.4 has been yanked.


Install and Usage:

> cargo install sea-orm-cli 
> sea-orm-cli help


> cargo install --bin sea
> sea help

Getting Help:

cargo run -- -h

Running Entity Generator:

# MySQL (`--database-schema` option is ignored)
cargo run -- generate entity -u mysql://sea:sea@localhost/bakery -o out

# SQLite (`--database-schema` option is ignored)
cargo run -- generate entity -u sqlite://bakery.db -o out

# PostgreSQL
cargo run -- generate entity -u postgres://sea:sea@localhost/bakery -s public -o out

Running Migration:

  • Initialize migration directory
    cargo run -- migrate init
  • Generate a new migration file
    cargo run -- migrate generate MIGRATION_NAME
  • Apply all pending migrations
    cargo run -- migrate
    cargo run -- migrate up
  • Apply first 10 pending migrations
    cargo run -- migrate up -n 10
  • Rollback last applied migrations
    cargo run -- migrate down
  • Rollback last 10 applied migrations
    cargo run -- migrate down -n 10
  • Drop all tables from the database, then reapply all migrations
    cargo run -- migrate fresh
  • Rollback all applied migrations, then reapply all migrations
    cargo run -- migrate refresh
  • Rollback all applied migrations
    cargo run -- migrate reset
  • Check the status of all migrations
    cargo run -- migrate status