initSidebarItems({"constant":[["STYLE_BOLD",""],["STYLE_ITALIC",""],["STYLE_NORMAL",""],["STYLE_STRIKETHROUGH",""],["STYLE_UNDERLINE",""]],"enum":[["Error","An error for when sdl2_ttf is attempted initialized twice"],["Hinting",""],["RenderMode","The supported text rendering modes and their parameters"],["Text","A renderable piece of text in the UTF8 or Latin-1 format"]],"fn":[["blended","Constructor for blended font rendering"],["blended_wrapped","Constructor for blended wrapped font rendering"],["get_linked_version","Returns the version of the dynamically linked SDL_ttf library"],["has_been_initialized","Returns whether the underlying library has been initialized"],["init","Initialize the truetype font API and returns a context manager which will clean up the library once it goes out of scope. You can't really use it, but keep the reference alive :)"],["shaded","Constructor for shaded font rendering"],["solid","Constructor for solid font rendering"]],"struct":[["Font","The opaque holder of a loaded font."],["FontStyle",""],["GlyphMetrics","Glyph Metrics"],["Sdl2TtfContext","A context manager for SDL2_TTF to manage C code init and quit"]],"trait":[["RWopsFontExt","Extension trait for RWops to more easily load fonts"]]});