Trait scroll::Pwrite [] [src]

pub trait Pwrite<Ctx = Endian, E = Error, I = usize, TryCtx = (I, Ctx), SliceCtx = (I, I, Ctx)> where
    E: Debug,
    Ctx: Copy + Default + Debug,
    I: Copy + Debug,
    TryCtx: Copy + Default + Debug,
    SliceCtx: Copy + Default + Debug
{ fn pwrite_with<N: TryIntoCtx<TryCtx, Error = E>>(
        &mut self,
        n: N,
        offset: I,
        ctx: Ctx
    ) -> Result<(), E>; fn pwrite_unsafe<N: TryIntoCtx<TryCtx, Error = E>>(
        &mut self,
        n: N,
        offset: I,
        ctx: Ctx
    ) { ... } fn pwrite<N: TryIntoCtx<TryCtx, Error = E>>(
        &mut self,
        n: N,
        offset: I
    ) -> Result<(), E> { ... } }

Writes into Self at an offset of type I using a Ctx

To implement writing into an arbitrary byte buffer, implement TryIntoCtx


use scroll::{self, ctx};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Foo(u16);

// this will use the default `DefaultCtx = scroll::Endian` and `I = usize`...
impl ctx::TryIntoCtx for Foo {
    // you can use your own error here too, but you will then need to specify it in fn generic parameters
    type Error = scroll::Error;
    // you can write using your own context too... see ``
    fn try_into_ctx(self, this: &mut [u8], ctx: (usize, scroll::ctx::DefaultCtx)) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        use scroll::Pwrite;
        let offset = ctx.0;
        let le = ctx.1;
        if offset > 2 { return Err((scroll::Error::Custom("whatever".to_string())).into()) }
        this.pwrite_with(self.0, offset, le)?;
// now we can write a `Foo` into some buffer (in this case, a byte buffer, because that's what we implemented it for above)
use scroll::Pwrite;
let mut bytes: [u8; 4] = [0, 0, 0, 0];
bytes.pwrite_with(Foo(0x7f), 1, scroll::LE).unwrap();

Required Methods

Write N at offset I with context Ctx


use scroll::{Buffer, Pwrite, Pread, LE};
let mut bytes: [u8; 8] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
bytes.pwrite_with::<u32>(0xbeefbeef, 0, LE).unwrap();
assert_eq!(bytes.pread_with::<u32>(0, LE).unwrap(), 0xbeefbeef);

Provided Methods
