Macro score::process_events [] [src]

macro_rules! process_events {
    ($data:expr, $event:ident, $state:ident, $effector:ident, $($name:pat => $code:expr),+) => { ... };

Typically Component threads will use this to cut down on the boiler plate involved in processing dispatched Events. Note that this will panic if it tries to process an event that doesn't have an associated code block.


use score::*;
use std::thread;

fn my_thread(data: ThreadData)
    thread::spawn(move || {
        process_events!(data, event, state, effector,
            "init 0" => {
                // Use the effector to change the simulation state.
                let event = Event::new("timer");
                effector.schedule_after_secs(event,, 1.0);
            "timer" => {
                // Typically you'd re-schedule the timer here,
                log_info!(effector, "timer fired!");