schemamama_rusqlite 0.1.1

Rusqlite SQLite3 adapter for the Schemamama migration system failed to build schemamama_rusqlite-0.1.1
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: schemamama_rusqlite-0.10.0

Rusqlite for Schemamama

A Rusqlite SQLite3 adapter for the lightweight database migration system Schemamama. Depends on the rusqlite crate.

It is based on schemamama_postgres.


Rusqlite requires sqlite3 dev library to be installed.

Then add Schemamama to your Cargo.toml:

schemamama = "*"
schemamama_rusqlite = "*"
rusqlite = "0.2.0"

You may need to pass in a custom value for the PKG_CONFIG_PATH if rust is unable to locate your sqlite3 installation.


First, define some migrations:

extern crate schemamama;
extern crate schemamama_rusqlite;
extern crate rusqlite;

use schemamama::{Migration, Migrator};
use schemamama_rusqlite::{SqliteAdapter, SqliteMigration};

struct CreateUsers;
// Instead of using sequential numbers (1, 2, 3...), you may instead choose to use a global
// versioning scheme, such as epoch timestamps.
migration!(CreateUsers, 1, "create users table");

impl SqliteMigration for CreateUsers {
    fn up(&self, conn: &rusqlite::SqliteConnection) -> SqliteResult<()> {
        conn.execute("CREATE TABLE users (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY);", &[]).map(|_| ())

    fn down(&self, transaction: &postgres::Transaction) -> SqliteResult<()> {
        transaction.execute("DROP TABLE users;", &[]).unwrap().map(|_| ())

struct CreateProducts;
migration!(CreateProducts, 2, "create products table");

impl SqliteMigration for CreateProducts {
    // ...

Then, run the migrations!

let conn = SqliteConnection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
let adapter = SqliteAdapter::new(&conn);

// Create the metadata tables necessary for tracking migrations. This is safe to call more than
// once (`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schemamama` is used internally):

let mut migrator = Migrator::new(adapter);


// Execute migrations up to and including version 2:
assert_eq!(migrator.current_version(), Some(1));

// Reverse all migrations:
assert_eq!(migrator.current_version(), None);


Run cargo test


  • Make metadata table name configurable (currently locked in to schemamama).