Crate sauron::prelude::jss[]

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Provides convenient functions and macro to build dynamic css


Latest Version Build Status MIT licensed

This crate provides an easy way to write dynamic css using json notation. This gives you more convenient than you think.

Considering using a dynamic width for our layer class

.layer {
 width: 10px;

You will have to write it using the format! macro

let width = 10;
let css = format!("
.layer {{
    width: {}px;
", width);

let expected = r#"
.layer {
    width: 10px;

Oh!, we forgot that escaping braces in rust strings is done with braces and we will have double braces all over our dynamic css. It will just get worse when there are more variables added into it, keeping track the order of the format argument.

jss! to the rescue:

use jss::prelude::*;

let width = 10;
let css = jss!{
    ".layer": {
     width: px(width),

let expected = ".layer{width:10px;}";

Non-identifier style names can be written with snake_case, or using quotes on them.

use jss::prelude::*;

let css = jss!(
    ".layer": {
        border: "1px solid green",
        background_color: "red",
        "width": percent(100),
        "border-color": "red!important",
        margin: px(5) + " auto"

    ".hide .layer": {
        opacity: 0,

let expected = ".layer{border:1px solid green;background-color:red;width:100%;border-color:red!important;margin:5px auto;}.hide .layer{opacity:0;}";
assert_eq!(expected, css);

Use of name spaces in class selector to prevent collision with similar class names in other components.

use jss::{jss_ns, units::percent};
let css = jss::jss_ns_pretty!("frame",
    ".": {
        display: "block",

    ".layer": {
        background_color: "red",
        border: "1px solid green",

    "@media screen and (max-width: 800px)": {
      ".layer": {
        width: percent(100),

    ".hide .layer": {
        opacity: 0,

let expected = r#".frame {
    display: block;
.frame__layer {
    background-color: red;
    border: 1px solid green;
@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
    .frame__layer {
        width: 100%;
.frame__hide .frame__layer {
    opacity: 0;
assert_eq!(expected, css);

Feature strict will prevent you from making typo on the style name. Using invalid style names will panic.

cargo test all --features = "strict"
use jss::prelude::*;

let width = 10;
let css = jss!{
    ".layer": {
     "not-soo-awesome-style-name": px(width), // panicked at 'invalid style name: not-soo-awesome-style-name'

License: MIT



Creates css using json notation

Create a css string using json notation and use namespace on the class selectors

create css using jss with namespace macro with correct indentions

Create css using jss macro with nice indentions

convenient method to create inline style for css usage. #Examples:


Prepend namespace to this class name. This is used in assigning the class name in an element.

process json to css transforming the selector if class name is specified

This process the values used inside a css selector

Prepend a namespace to the selector classes, It does not affect other selectors such element selector, #id selector example: