sauce 0.1.0

A tool for managing directory-specific state.
sauce-0.1.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: sauce-0.9.0


The central truth is the central truth, and nothing that I care about is relative

A tool to help manage context/project specific shell-things like environment variables.

Core Goals:

  • Store all data centrally, not relative to the directory being sauced
  • Cascade data from parent directories downwards

Example Workflow

# Suppose you've got some new directory structure
 mkdir -p foo/bar
 cd foo

# You want to start recording things here
No file at ~/.local/share/sauce/foo.toml
 sauce new

# My "foo" project has got some corresponding aws profile
 sauce add var AWS_PROFILE=foo

# The "bar" subdirectory has something more specific
 cd bar
 sauce add var foo=bar

# The core purpose!
Sourced ~/.local/share/sauce/foo/bar.toml



A thing which sauce can load/unload is called a "target".

Currently supported targets include:

  • environment variables

Planned/Ideally supported targets include:

  • aliases
  • functions
  • arbitrary kv


sauce command

The primary usecase is the sauce command. Explicitly no arguments, you load the environment with all sauce targets, cascaded from the uppermost parent.


Given a directory structure


You can run sauce at any folder level/depth, say subfoo. The values saved for the folders: ~, ~/projects, ~/projects/foo, and ~/projects/foo/subfoo will all be loaded.

The more specific/deep folder's values will take precedence over the values of more general/shallow folders.

All saucefiles are located in the $XDG_DATA_HOME/sauce folder, after which the folder structure mirrors that of the folders who's values are being tracked. Given the above example you might see:


sauce add <target-type> NAME=value

For example, sauce add var AWS_PROFILE=foo FOO=bar.

This is convenient when you realize you want to sauce a var or whatever. There is also sauce edit which will open your $EDITOR so you can bulk update whatever values you like.

sauce as foo

Any key-value pair can be tagged with, you might call "namespaces".

Consider an env var definition

AWS_PROFILE = {default = "projectname-dev", uat = "projectname-uat", prod = "projectname-prod"}

Given a sauce, you will get the "default" namespace (i.e. AWS_PROFILE=projectname-dev) for this value, as well as all other unnamespaced values.

Given sauce as prod, you will get the "prod" namespace (i.e. AWS_PROFILE=projectname-prod) for this value, as well as all other unnamespaced values.

Planned Features

  • more targets (in order): aliases, functions, arbitrary key-value pairs

  • "strategies" (nested shell vs in-place alterations of the current shell)

    • Given strategies, the ability to unset/revert alterations in a more robust way is enabled (i.e. kill the subshell). Compared to the in-place modification strategy which essentially requires that sauce maintains sole control over all tracked variables (because it can/will unset them if asked).
  • pipe sauce show to a pager when beyond a full terminal height

  • colorized output

  • Ability to use shell hooks to automatically perform i.e. sauce on cd (i.e. direnv)