initSidebarItems({"mod":[["conv","Pure functions and traits for converting between i8, i16, I24, i32, I48, i64, u8, u16, U24, u32, U48, u64, f32 and f64."],["frame","Use the **Frame** trait to remain generic over the number of channels at a single discrete moment in time."],["rate","The **rate** module provides a **Converter** type, for converting and interpolating the rate of **Signal**s. This can be useful for both sample rate conversion and playback rate multiplication."],["signal","Use the **Signal** trait for working with **Iterator**s that yield **Frame**s. To complement the **Iterator** trait, **Signal** provides methods for adding, scaling, offsetting, multiplying, clipping and generating frame iterators and more."],["slice","This module provides various helper functions for performing operations on slices of frames."],["types","A collection of custom, non-std **Sample** types."]],"trait":[["FloatSample","Sample format types represented as floating point numbers."],["Sample","A trait for working generically across different **Sample** format types."],["SignedSample","Integral and floating-point **Sample** format types whose equilibrium is at 0."]]});