Expand description

The core lib of Savlo web server framework. Read more: https://salvo.rs


pub use anyhow;
pub use hyper;
pub use self::catcher::Catcher;
pub use self::catcher::CatcherImpl;
pub use self::http::Request;
pub use self::http::Response;
pub use self::listener::Listener;
pub use self::writer::Writer;


addr module

Catcher tarit and it’s impl.

File module


Server module

A list of things that automatically imports into application use salvo.

Routing and filters

Writer trait and it’s impls.


Depot if for store temp data of current request. Each handler can read or write data to it.

Errors that can happen inside salvo.

Router struct is used for route request to different handlers.


Service http request.


Handler trait for handle http request.


If you don’t want to include tokio in your project directly, you can use this function to run server.

If you don’t want to include tokio in your project directly, you can use this function to run server.

Type Definitions

Result type wich has salvo::Error as it’s error type.

Attribute Macros

fn_handler is a pro macro to help create Handler from function easily.