rwasm 2020.1.0

Minimalistic WASM library


A minimalistic WASM library for Rust.

Core concepts

Remote Procedure Call

All user-defined communication from Rust to Javascript happens through remote procedure calls. The RPCs to be executed are given to the rwasm JS instance as regular functions expecting a single Uint8Array parameter. The user may send the name of the function to be executed along with the data as bytes. There are two types of RPCs that can be executed through rwasm, described below.

"send" RPC

The send RPC type sends data to Javascript and does not expect to receive anything back.

"request" RPC

The request RPC type sends data to Javascript and expects to receive back an usize value. The usize value represents the length of the data, in bytes, written to a Buffer identified by an u32 value, which must be given as a parameter in the request RPC.

Data buffers

The rwasm library defines a hashmap of type <u32, [u8; BUFFER_SIZE]> (where BUFFER_SIZE is a constant equals to 128k) and allows insertion of new values as well as retrieval of a pointer to a value identified by the u32 key, which can be called from Javascript and is used to write data to the specific buffer as requested by a request RPC.


rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo build --release --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown


You can run a simple static server with cargo:

cargo install basic-http-server
basic-http-server .