rustygit 0.2.5

A simple interface for runnig Git commands


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A high-level library for interacting with git


Add the following to your cargo.toml:

rustygit = "0.2"
use rustygit;

let repo = rustygit::Repository::new(".");
let branches = repo.list_branches().unwrap();

for branch in branches {
    println!("{}", branch);

Comaprrison with git2-rs

Git2-rs is a mature and featureful Git library and unlike this library does not require that git be on the users $PATH.

This library does however have a few advantages over git2-rs:

  • Pure Rust rather than bindings to a C++ library, making for easier cross-compilation.
  • Works git git's SSH agent on Windows (libssh, which is used by git2-rs is unable to at present, making using SSH not possible on Windows)
  • Provides a higher level API requiring less knowledge of Git internals