rustwt 1.0.1

Implementation of JSON JWT
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This is a hard fork of

Implementation of [JSON Web Tokens]( in Rust.

## Links

- [Documentation]
- [ page]

## Algorithms and features supported
- [x] HS256
- [x] HS384
- [x] HS512
- [x] RS256
- [x] RS384
- [x] RS512
- [x] ES256
- [x] ES384
- [x] ES512
- [x] Sign
- [x] Verify
- [x] iss (issuer) check
- [x] sub (subject) check
- [x] aud (audience) check
- [x] exp (expiration time) check
- [x] nbf (not before time) check
- [x] iat (issued at) check
- [x] jti (JWT ID) check

## Usage

Put this into your `Cargo.toml`:

rustwt = "1.0.1"

## License

Apache 2.0

## Tests

cargo test