[][src]Crate rusttyc

This create provides an interface for type checking some arbitrary structure. It is based on an abstract type lattice that uses a union-find implementation (https://crates.io/crates/ena) internally to successively constrain types.

The main component is the TypeChecker struct, which is parametrized by a Key that implements the ena::UnifyKey trait. This trait in-turn requires an implementation of EnaValue and type_checker::AbstractValue. The TypeChecker manages a set of abstract types in a lattice-like structure and perform a union-find procedure to derive the least concrete abstract type that satisfies a defined set of constraints. Each abstract type is referred to with a key assigned by the TypeChecker (refer to TypeChecker::new_key(&mut self)).


The TypeChecker requires two types: Key and AbstractType. Key needs to implement EnaKey, which has an associated type EnaKey::Value that is the AbstractType. Most of the time, the key is simply a u32 in disguise. The abstract type needs to implement EnaValue providing an abstract "meet" or "unification" function, and type_check::AbstractType.

use rusttyc::{ TypeCheckKey, TypeChecker, EnaValue, EnaKey };
use ena::unify::UnifyValue;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
struct Key(u32);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
enum AbstractType {
    /* ... */
impl rusttyc::AbstractType for AbstractType {
    fn unconstrained() -> Self {
impl EnaValue for AbstractType {
    type Error = ();

    fn unify_values(value1: &Self, value2: &Self) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        /* Do something meaningful. */
        return Ok(value1.clone())
impl EnaKey for Key {
    type Value = AbstractType;

    fn index(&self) -> u32 { self.0 }

    fn from_index(u: u32) -> Self { Key(u) }

    fn tag() -> &'static str { "key" }

let mut tc: TypeChecker<Key> = TypeChecker::new();

let first = tc.new_key();
let second = tc.new_key();


assert_eq!(tc.get_type(first), tc.get_type(second));

For a full example, refer to the example directory.



A TypeCheckKey references an abstract type object during the type checking procedure. It can be created via TypeChecker::new_key and provides functions creating TypeConstraints that impose rules on type variables, e.g. by constraining single types are relating others.


Represents a type checker. The main struct for the type checking procedure. It manages a set of abstract types in a lattice-like structure and perform a union-find procedure to derive the least concrete abstract type that satisfies a defined set of constraints. Each abstract type is referred to with a key assigned by the TypeChecker



Indicates that an abstract type could not be reified because it is too general or too restrictive.


Represents a constraint on one or several abstract types referred to by TypeCheckKeys. Rather than creating these constraints directly, TypeCheckKey provides several convenient functions for this purpose.



The main trait representing types throughout the type checking procedure. It is bound to the type checker as the Value for the Key parameter. As such, it needs to implement EnaValue.


This trait is implemented by any type that can serve as a type variable. We call such variables unification keys. For example, this trait is implemented by IntVid, which represents integral variables.


Trait implemented for values associated with a unification key. This trait defines how to merge the values from two keys that are unioned together. This merging can be fallible. If you attempt to union two keys whose values cannot be merged, then the error is propagated up and the two keys are not unioned.


A type implementing this trait can be generalized into an abstract representation. This transformation cannot fail.


A type implementing this trait can be reified into a concrete representation. This transformation cannot fail. If it is fallible, refer to TryReifiable.


A type implementing this trait can potentially be reified into a concrete representation. This transformation can fail. If it is infallible, refer to Reifiable.