rustls 0.9.0

Rustls is a modern TLS library written in Rust.
use msgs::enums::{CipherSuite, HashAlgorithm, SignatureAlgorithm, SignatureScheme};
use msgs::enums::{NamedGroup, ProtocolVersion};
use msgs::handshake::KeyExchangeAlgorithm;
use msgs::handshake::DecomposedSignatureScheme;
use msgs::handshake::{ClientECDHParams, ServerECDHParams};
use msgs::codec::{Reader, Codec};
use util;

use ring;
use untrusted;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum BulkAlgorithm {

/// The result of a key exchange.  This has our public key,
/// and the agreed premaster secret.
pub struct KeyExchangeResult {
    pub pubkey: Vec<u8>,
    pub premaster_secret: Vec<u8>,

/// An in-progress key exchange.  This has the algorithm,
/// our private key, and our public key.
pub struct KeyExchange {
    pub group: NamedGroup,
    alg: &'static ring::agreement::Algorithm,
    privkey: ring::agreement::EphemeralPrivateKey,
    pub pubkey: Vec<u8>,

impl KeyExchange {
    pub fn named_group_to_ecdh_alg(group: NamedGroup)
                                   -> Option<&'static ring::agreement::Algorithm> {
        match group {
            NamedGroup::X25519 => Some(&ring::agreement::X25519),
            NamedGroup::secp256r1 => Some(&ring::agreement::ECDH_P256),
            NamedGroup::secp384r1 => Some(&ring::agreement::ECDH_P384),
            _ => None,

    pub fn client_ecdhe(kx_params: &[u8]) -> Option<KeyExchangeResult> {
        let mut rd = Reader::init(kx_params);
        let ecdh_params = try_ret!(ServerECDHParams::read(&mut rd));


    pub fn start_ecdhe(named_group: NamedGroup) -> Option<KeyExchange> {
        let alg = try_ret!(KeyExchange::named_group_to_ecdh_alg(named_group));
        let rng = ring::rand::SystemRandom::new();
        let ours = ring::agreement::EphemeralPrivateKey::generate(alg, &rng).unwrap();

        let mut pubkey = Vec::new();
        pubkey.resize(ours.public_key_len(), 0u8);

        Some(KeyExchange {
            group: named_group,
            alg: alg,
            privkey: ours,
            pubkey: pubkey,

    pub fn check_client_params(&self, kx_params: &[u8]) -> bool {

    fn decode_client_params(&self, kx_params: &[u8]) -> Option<ClientECDHParams> {
        let mut rd = Reader::init(kx_params);
        let ecdh_params = ClientECDHParams::read(&mut rd).unwrap();
        if rd.any_left() {
        } else {

    pub fn server_complete(self, kx_params: &[u8]) -> Option<KeyExchangeResult> {
            .and_then(|ecdh| self.complete(&ecdh.public.0))

    pub fn complete(self, peer: &[u8]) -> Option<KeyExchangeResult> {
        let secret = ring::agreement::agree_ephemeral(self.privkey,
                                                      |v| {
                                                          let mut r = Vec::new();

        if secret.is_err() {
            return None;

        Some(KeyExchangeResult {
            pubkey: self.pubkey,
            premaster_secret: secret.unwrap(),

/// A cipher suite supported by rustls.
/// All possible instances of this class are provided by the library in
/// the `ALL_CIPHERSUITES` array.
pub struct SupportedCipherSuite {
    /// The TLS enumeration naming this cipher suite.
    pub suite: CipherSuite,

    /// How to exchange/agree keys.
    pub kx: KeyExchangeAlgorithm,

    /// How to do bulk encryption.
    pub bulk: BulkAlgorithm,

    /// How to do hashing.
    pub hash: HashAlgorithm,

    /// How to sign messages.
    pub sign: SignatureAlgorithm,

    /// Encryption key length, for the bulk algorithm.
    pub enc_key_len: usize,

    /// How long the fixed part of the 'IV' is.
    /// This isn't usually an IV, but we continue the
    /// terminology misuse to match the standard.
    pub fixed_iv_len: usize,

    /// This is a non-standard extension which extends the
    /// key block to provide an initial explicit nonce offset,
    /// in a deterministic and safe way.  GCM needs this,
    /// chacha20poly1305 works this way by design.
    pub explicit_nonce_len: usize,

impl PartialEq for SupportedCipherSuite {
    fn eq(&self, other: &SupportedCipherSuite) -> bool {
        self.suite == other.suite

impl SupportedCipherSuite {
    /// Which hash function to use with this suite.
    pub fn get_hash(&self) -> &'static ring::digest::Algorithm {
        match self.hash {
            HashAlgorithm::SHA1 => &ring::digest::SHA1,
            HashAlgorithm::SHA256 => &ring::digest::SHA256,
            HashAlgorithm::SHA384 => &ring::digest::SHA384,
            HashAlgorithm::SHA512 => &ring::digest::SHA512,
            _ => unreachable!(),

    /// We have parameters and a verified public key in `kx_params`.
    /// Generate an ephemeral key, generate the shared secret, and
    /// return it and the public half in a `KeyExchangeResult`.
    pub fn do_client_kx(&self, kx_params: &[u8]) -> Option<KeyExchangeResult> {
        match self.kx {
            KeyExchangeAlgorithm::ECDHE => KeyExchange::client_ecdhe(kx_params),
            _ => None,

    /// Start the KX process with the given group.  This generates
    /// the server's share, but we don't yet have the client's share.
    pub fn start_server_kx(&self, named_group: NamedGroup) -> Option<KeyExchange> {
        match self.kx {
            KeyExchangeAlgorithm::ECDHE => KeyExchange::start_ecdhe(named_group),
            _ => None,

    /// Resolve a single supported `SignatureScheme` from the
    /// offered `SupportedSignatureSchemes`.  If we return None,
    /// the handshake terminates.
    pub fn resolve_sig_scheme(&self,
                              offered: &[SignatureScheme])
                              -> Option<SignatureScheme> {
        let mut our_preference = vec![
            // Prefer the designated hash algorithm of this suite, for
            // security level consistency.
            SignatureScheme::make(self.sign, self.hash),

            // Then prefer the right sign algorithm, with the best hashes
            // first.
            SignatureScheme::make(self.sign, HashAlgorithm::SHA512),
            SignatureScheme::make(self.sign, HashAlgorithm::SHA384),
            SignatureScheme::make(self.sign, HashAlgorithm::SHA256)

        // For RSA, support PSS too
        if self.sign == SignatureAlgorithm::RSA {

        util::first_in_both(our_preference.as_slice(), offered)

    /// Which AEAD algorithm to use for this suite.
    pub fn get_aead_alg(&self) -> &'static ring::aead::Algorithm {
        match self.bulk {
            BulkAlgorithm::AES_128_GCM => &ring::aead::AES_128_GCM,
            BulkAlgorithm::AES_256_GCM => &ring::aead::AES_256_GCM,
            BulkAlgorithm::CHACHA20_POLY1305 => &ring::aead::CHACHA20_POLY1305,

    /// Length of key block that needs to be output by the key
    /// derivation phase for this suite.
    pub fn key_block_len(&self) -> usize {
        (self.enc_key_len + self.fixed_iv_len) * 2 + self.explicit_nonce_len

    /// Return true if this suite is usable for TLS `version`.
    pub fn usable_for_version(&self, version: ProtocolVersion) -> bool {
        match version {
            ProtocolVersion::TLSv1_3 => self.sign == SignatureAlgorithm::Anonymous,
            ProtocolVersion::TLSv1_2 => self.sign != SignatureAlgorithm::Anonymous,
            _ => false,

    /// Can a session using suite self resume using suite new_suite?
    pub fn can_resume_to(&self, new_suite: &SupportedCipherSuite) -> bool {
        if self.usable_for_version(ProtocolVersion::TLSv1_3) &&
            new_suite.usable_for_version(ProtocolVersion::TLSv1_3) {
            // TLS1.3 actually specifies requirements here: suites are compatible
            // for resumption if they have the same KDF hash
            self.hash == new_suite.hash
        } else if self.usable_for_version(ProtocolVersion::TLSv1_2) &&
            new_suite.usable_for_version(ProtocolVersion::TLSv1_2) {
            // Previous versions don't specify any constraint, so we don't
            // resume between suites to avoid bad interactions.
            self.suite == new_suite.suite
        } else {
            // Suites for different versions definitely can't resume!

pub static TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: SupportedCipherSuite =
    SupportedCipherSuite {
        suite: CipherSuite::TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256,
        kx: KeyExchangeAlgorithm::ECDHE,
        sign: SignatureAlgorithm::ECDSA,
        bulk: BulkAlgorithm::CHACHA20_POLY1305,
        hash: HashAlgorithm::SHA256,
        enc_key_len: 32,
        fixed_iv_len: 12,
        explicit_nonce_len: 0,

pub static TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: SupportedCipherSuite =
    SupportedCipherSuite {
        suite: CipherSuite::TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256,
        kx: KeyExchangeAlgorithm::ECDHE,
        sign: SignatureAlgorithm::RSA,
        bulk: BulkAlgorithm::CHACHA20_POLY1305,
        hash: HashAlgorithm::SHA256,
        enc_key_len: 32,
        fixed_iv_len: 12,
        explicit_nonce_len: 0,

pub static TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: SupportedCipherSuite = SupportedCipherSuite {
    suite: CipherSuite::TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
    kx: KeyExchangeAlgorithm::ECDHE,
    sign: SignatureAlgorithm::RSA,
    bulk: BulkAlgorithm::AES_128_GCM,
    hash: HashAlgorithm::SHA256,
    enc_key_len: 16,
    fixed_iv_len: 4,
    explicit_nonce_len: 8,

pub static TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: SupportedCipherSuite = SupportedCipherSuite {
    suite: CipherSuite::TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
    kx: KeyExchangeAlgorithm::ECDHE,
    sign: SignatureAlgorithm::RSA,
    bulk: BulkAlgorithm::AES_256_GCM,
    hash: HashAlgorithm::SHA384,
    enc_key_len: 32,
    fixed_iv_len: 4,
    explicit_nonce_len: 8,

pub static TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: SupportedCipherSuite = SupportedCipherSuite {
    suite: CipherSuite::TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
    kx: KeyExchangeAlgorithm::ECDHE,
    sign: SignatureAlgorithm::ECDSA,
    bulk: BulkAlgorithm::AES_128_GCM,
    hash: HashAlgorithm::SHA256,
    enc_key_len: 16,
    fixed_iv_len: 4,
    explicit_nonce_len: 8,

pub static TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: SupportedCipherSuite = SupportedCipherSuite {
    suite: CipherSuite::TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
    kx: KeyExchangeAlgorithm::ECDHE,
    sign: SignatureAlgorithm::ECDSA,
    bulk: BulkAlgorithm::AES_256_GCM,
    hash: HashAlgorithm::SHA384,
    enc_key_len: 32,
    fixed_iv_len: 4,
    explicit_nonce_len: 8,

pub static TLS13_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: SupportedCipherSuite = SupportedCipherSuite {
    suite: CipherSuite::TLS13_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256,
    kx: KeyExchangeAlgorithm::BulkOnly,
    sign: SignatureAlgorithm::Anonymous,
    bulk: BulkAlgorithm::CHACHA20_POLY1305,
    hash: HashAlgorithm::SHA256,
    enc_key_len: 32,
    fixed_iv_len: 12,
    explicit_nonce_len: 0,

pub static TLS13_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: SupportedCipherSuite = SupportedCipherSuite {
    suite: CipherSuite::TLS13_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
    kx: KeyExchangeAlgorithm::BulkOnly,
    sign: SignatureAlgorithm::Anonymous,
    bulk: BulkAlgorithm::AES_256_GCM,
    hash: HashAlgorithm::SHA384,
    enc_key_len: 32,
    fixed_iv_len: 12,
    explicit_nonce_len: 0,

pub static TLS13_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: SupportedCipherSuite = SupportedCipherSuite {
    suite: CipherSuite::TLS13_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
    kx: KeyExchangeAlgorithm::BulkOnly,
    sign: SignatureAlgorithm::Anonymous,
    bulk: BulkAlgorithm::AES_128_GCM,
    hash: HashAlgorithm::SHA256,
    enc_key_len: 16,
    fixed_iv_len: 12,
    explicit_nonce_len: 0,

/// A list of all the cipher suites supported by rustls.
pub static ALL_CIPHERSUITES: [&'static SupportedCipherSuite; 9] =
    [// TLS1.3 suites

     // TLS1.2 suites

// These both O(N^2)!
pub fn choose_ciphersuite_preferring_client(client_suites: &[CipherSuite],
                                            server_suites: &[&'static SupportedCipherSuite])
                                            -> Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite> {
    for client_suite in client_suites {
        if let Some(selected) = server_suites.iter().find(|x| *client_suite == x.suite) {
            return Some(*selected);


pub fn choose_ciphersuite_preferring_server(client_suites: &[CipherSuite],
                                            server_suites: &[&'static SupportedCipherSuite])
                                            -> Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite> {
    if let Some(selected) = server_suites.iter().find(|x| client_suites.contains(&x.suite)) {
        return Some(*selected);


/// Return a list of the ciphersuites in `all` with the suites
/// incompatible with `SignatureAlgorithm` `sigalg` removed.
pub fn reduce_given_sigalg(all: &[&'static SupportedCipherSuite],
                           sigalg: &SignatureAlgorithm)
                           -> Vec<&'static SupportedCipherSuite> {
        .filter(|&&suite| suite.sign == SignatureAlgorithm::Anonymous || &suite.sign == sigalg)

/// Return a list of the ciphersuites in `all` with the suites
/// incompatible with the chosen `version` removed.
pub fn reduce_given_version(all: &[&'static SupportedCipherSuite],
                            version: ProtocolVersion)
                            -> Vec<&'static SupportedCipherSuite> {
        .filter(|&&suite| suite.usable_for_version(version))

mod test {
    use msgs::enums::CipherSuite;

    fn test_client_pref() {
        let client = vec![CipherSuite::TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
        let server = vec![&super::TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
        let chosen = super::choose_ciphersuite_preferring_client(&client, &server);

    fn test_server_pref() {
        let client = vec![CipherSuite::TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
        let server = vec![&super::TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
        let chosen = super::choose_ciphersuite_preferring_server(&client, &server);