[][src]Crate rustgym

Handy macros to build data for testing

use rustgym_util::*;

// singly linked list
let list = list!(1, 2, 3);
// binary tree
let root = tree!(1, tree!(2, tree!(3), tree!(4)), None);
// 1D vector of String
let names = vec_string!["Larry Fantasy", "Yinchu Xia"];
// 2D vector of String
let names_2d = vec_vec_string![["Larry", "Fantasy"], ["Yinchu", "Xia"]];
// 2D vector of i32
let matrix_i32 = vec_vec_i32![[1, 2], [3, 4]];
// 2D vector of char
let matrix_char = vec_vec_char![['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']];

Boilerplate for singly linked list


use rustgym::util::*;


This example deliberately fails to compile
macro_rules! list {
    () => {
    ($e:expr) => {
        ListLink::link($e, None)
    ($e:expr, $($tail:tt)*) => {
        ListLink::link($e, list!($($tail)*))

pub type ListLink = Option<Box<ListNode>>;

pub trait ListMaker {
    fn link(val: i32, next: ListLink) -> ListLink {
        Some(Box::new(ListNode { val, next }))

impl ListMaker for ListLink {}

when submitting to leetcode online judge.

Boilerplate for binary tree


use rustgym::util::*;


This example deliberately fails to compile
macro_rules! tree {
    ($e:expr) => {
    ($e:expr, $l:expr, $r:expr) => {
        TreeLink::branch($e, $l, $r)

pub type TreeLink = Option<Rc<RefCell<TreeNode>>>;

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;

pub trait TreeMaker {
    fn branch(val: i32, left: TreeLink, right: TreeLink) -> TreeLink {
        Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(TreeNode { val, left, right })))
    fn leaf(val: i32) -> TreeLink {
        Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(TreeNode {
            left: None,
            right: None,

when submitting to leetcode online judge.


pub extern crate rustgym_util as util;