rustfmt-nightly 0.6.0

Tool to find and fix Rust formatting issues
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//! This module contains utilities that work with the `CodeMap` from `libsyntax` / `syntex_syntax`.
//! This includes extension traits and methods for looking up spans and line ranges for AST nodes.

use config::file_lines::LineRange;
use syntax::codemap::{BytePos, CodeMap, Span};
use visitor::SnippetProvider;

use comment::FindUncommented;

pub trait SpanUtils {
    fn span_after(&self, original: Span, needle: &str) -> BytePos;
    fn span_after_last(&self, original: Span, needle: &str) -> BytePos;
    fn span_before(&self, original: Span, needle: &str) -> BytePos;
    fn opt_span_after(&self, original: Span, needle: &str) -> Option<BytePos>;
    fn opt_span_before(&self, original: Span, needle: &str) -> Option<BytePos>;

pub trait LineRangeUtils {
    /// Returns the `LineRange` that corresponds to `span` in `self`.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `span` crosses a file boundary, which shouldn't happen.
    fn lookup_line_range(&self, span: Span) -> LineRange;

impl<'a> SpanUtils for SnippetProvider<'a> {
    fn span_after(&self, original: Span, needle: &str) -> BytePos {
        self.opt_span_after(original, needle).expect("bad span")

    fn span_after_last(&self, original: Span, needle: &str) -> BytePos {
        let snippet = self.span_to_snippet(original).unwrap();
        let mut offset = 0;

        while let Some(additional_offset) = snippet[offset..].find_uncommented(needle) {
            offset += additional_offset + needle.len();

        original.lo() + BytePos(offset as u32)

    fn span_before(&self, original: Span, needle: &str) -> BytePos {
        self.opt_span_before(original, needle).expect("bad span")

    fn opt_span_after(&self, original: Span, needle: &str) -> Option<BytePos> {
        self.opt_span_before(original, needle)
            .map(|bytepos| bytepos + BytePos(needle.len() as u32))

    fn opt_span_before(&self, original: Span, needle: &str) -> Option<BytePos> {
        let snippet = self.span_to_snippet(original)?;
        let offset = snippet.find_uncommented(needle)?;

        Some(original.lo() + BytePos(offset as u32))

impl LineRangeUtils for CodeMap {
    fn lookup_line_range(&self, span: Span) -> LineRange {
        let lo = self.lookup_line(span.lo()).unwrap();
        let hi = self.lookup_line(span.hi()).unwrap();

            "span crossed file boundary: lo: {:?}, hi: {:?}",
            lo, hi

        // Line numbers start at 1
        LineRange {
            lo: lo.line + 1,
            hi: hi.line + 1,