rusterpassword 0.1.0

An implementation of the Master Password algorithm. failed to build rusterpassword-0.1.0
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Visit the last successful build: rusterpassword-0.2.3

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A Rust implementation of the Master Password algorithm.

Uses secstr secure strings and libsodium through sodiumoxide's underlying libsodium-sys.

Also includes a C API for calling from other languages.


extern crate secstr;
extern crate rusterpassword;
extern crate sodiumoxide;

use secstr::*;
use rusterpassword::*;

fn main() {
    let master_key = gen_master_key(SecStr::from("Correct Horse Battery Staple"), "Cosima Niehaus").unwrap();
    let site_seed = gen_site_seed(&master_key, "", 5).unwrap();
    let password = gen_site_password(site_seed, TEMPLATES_MAXIMUM);


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