Crate rustdct [] [src]

RustDCT is a pure-Rust signal processing library that computes the most common Discrete Cosine Transforms

  • DCT Type 1
  • DCT Type 2 (Often called "the" DCT - by far the most common algorithm, used by JPEG image compression and others)
  • DCT Type 3 (the inverse of the DCT type 2, also used in JPEG)
  • DCT Type 4
  • MDCT (Used in audio and video compression such as Ogg and MP3)

The recommended way to use RustDCT is to create a DCTplanner instance, then call its plan_dct1 or plan_dct2 or etc methods. Each DCT type has its own method which will choose the best algorithm for the given size.

// Compute a DCT Type 2 of size 1234
use std::sync::Arc;
use rustdct::DCTplanner;

let mut input:  Vec<f32> = vec![0f32; 1234];
let mut output: Vec<f32> = vec![0f32; 1234];

let mut planner = DCTplanner::new();
let dct = planner.plan_dct2(1234);
dct.process(&mut input, &mut output);

// The DCT instance returned by the planner is stored behind an `Arc`, so it's cheap to clone
let dct_clone = Arc::clone(&dct);

RustDCT also exposes individual DCT algorithms. For example, if you're writing a JPEG compression library, it's safe to assume you want a DCT2 and DCT3 of size 8. Instead of going through the planner, you can directly create hardcoded DCT instances of size 8.

// Compute a DCT type 2 of size 8, and then compute a DCT type 3 of size 8 on the output.
use rustdct::dct2::DCT2;
use rustdct::dct2::dct2_butterflies::DCT2Butterfly8;
use rustdct::dct3::DCT3;
use rustdct::dct3::dct3_butterflies::DCT3Butterfly8;
let mut input = [0f32; 8];
let mut intermediate = [0f32; 8];
let mut output = [0f32; 8];
let dct2 = DCT2Butterfly8::new();
let dct3 = DCT3Butterfly8::new();
dct2.process(&mut input, &mut intermediate);
dct3.process(&mut intermediate, &mut output);


pub extern crate rustfft;



Algorithms for computing the Discrete Cosine Transform Type 1


Algorithms for computing the Discrete Cosine Transform Type 2


Algorithms for computing the Discrete Cosine Transform Type 3


Algorithms for computing the Discrete Cosine Transform Type 4


Algorithms for computing the Modified Discrete Cosine Transform


Complex numbers.


Numeric traits for generic mathematics



The DCT planner is used to make new DCT algorithm instances.



Generic floating point number, implemented for f32 and f64