rust_tokenizers 3.1.1

High performance tokenizers for Rust


Rust-tokenizer is a drop-in replacement for the tokenization methods from the Transformers library It includes a broad range of tokenizers for state-of-the-art transformers architectures, including:

  • Sentence Piece (unigram model)
  • BERT
  • DistilBERT
  • RoBERTa
  • GPT
  • GPT2
  • CTRL

The wordpiece based tokenizers include both single-threaded and multi-threaded processing. The Byte-Pair-Encoding tokenizers favor the use of a shared cache and are only available as single-threaded tokenizers Using the tokenizers requires downloading manually the tokenizers required files (vocabulary or merge files). These can be found in the Transformers library.

Usage example

let vocab = Arc::new(rust_tokenizers::BertVocab::from_file(&vocab_path));

let test_sentence = Example::new_from_string("This is a sample sentence to be tokenized");
let bert_tokenizer: BertTokenizer = BertTokenizer::from_existing_vocab(vocab.clone());

println!("{:?}", bert_tokenizer.encode(&test_sentence.sentence_1,