[][src]Crate lib

Documentation for rust_storage_interface_library

Load i32


let my_previously_stored_i32_value: i32 = rust_storage_interface_library::load::loadi32(my_previously_saved_key: i64)

Load i64


let my_previously_stored_i64_value: i64 = rust_storage_interface_library::load::loadi64(my_previously_saved_key)

Store i32 Stores a single i32 value and returns a key which can be used to fetch the stored i32 value at a later date


my_i32_to_store: i32 = 88;
my_new_key: i64 = rust_storage_interface_library::store::storei32(my_i32_to_store)

Store i64 Stores a single i64 value and returns a key which can be used to fetch the stored i64 value at a later date


my_i64_to_store: i64 = 88;
my_new_key: i64 = rust_storage_interface_library::store::storei64(my_i64_to_store)