Crate rust_release_artefact [] [src]

Safely extract installable files from Rust release artefacts.


Each new release of the Rust toolchain includes a number of components—some required, some optional—that can be combined together. These components are made available as artefacts in a standard format that includes the files to be installed, as well as metadata describing them. Installing a component is therefore more complex than just extracting an archive, since not all files should be placed in the destination.

This library interprets a Rust artifact's metadata, and provides a list of the components it contains, as well as the specific list of installable files in each component.

Once you've downloaded an artefact, use ExtractedArtefact::from_tar_gz() or ExtractedArtefact::from_tar_xz() to extract it and retrieve the metadata (the place you got the artefact from should tell you which format it's in). If you have previously extracted an artefact, you can re-read the metadata directly using ExtractedArtefact::new().

First Example

extern crate rust_release_artefact as rra;

use std::error;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::path;

fn install_from_tar_gz(
    artefact_path: &path::Path,
    stage: &path::Path,
    component_name: &str,
    dest_root: &path::Path,
) -> Result<(), Box<error::Error>> {
    // Open the file containing the artefact.
    let handle = fs::File::open(artefact_path)?;

    // Extract it to the given staging path and read the metadata.
    // We're assuming it's in .tar.gz format.
    let extracted_artefact = rra::ExtractedArtefact::from_tar_gz(

    // Get the requested component from the artefact.
    let component = extracted_artefact.components
        .ok_or("Could not find component")?;

        "Installing component {} version {} to {:?}",

    // Install the component into the destination.

    // All done!


Extract downloaded artefacts

Once you have downloaded a release artefact, you can extract it into a staging area with the ExtractedArtefact::from_tar_gz() or ExtractedArtefact::from_tar_xz() functions (depending on the format).

extern crate rust_release_artefact as rra;

use std::fs;
use std::io;

let handle = fs::File::open("path/to/artefact.tar.gz")?;
let extracted_artefact = rra::ExtractedArtefact::from_tar_gz(

Read artefact metadata

An ExtractedArtefact struct represents the artefact's metadata, including the components in this artefact and the complete list of installable files in each component.

println!("Version: {:?}", extracted_artefact.version);
println!("Git commit hash: {:?}", extracted_artefact.git_commit_hash);

for (name, component) in &extracted_artefact.components {
    println!("Component: {:?} in {:?}", name, component.root);
    for path in &component.files {
        println!("  - {:?}", path);

Install components to a given destination

The Component struct represents an installable component of the artefact, whose files are in the artefact's staging area, ready to be installed to a target location. The handy Component::install_to() method does exactly that.

let component = extracted_artefact.components.get("my-component")
    .ok_or("no such component?")?;




An installable component of an artefact.


The metadata and content of a previously-extracted artefact.



All the possible errors this crate can produce.