rust_hawktracer 0.4.0

Rust bindings for hawktracer profiling library.
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Rust bindings for the Hawktracer profiler.
This crate offers simple, minimal bindings to help you profile your rust programs.
If profiling is not enabled by specifying features=["profiling_enabled"], having tracepoints in your code has absolutely no overhead (everything gets removed at compile time).

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Tools needed

You need an external tool in order to transform captured profiling data from a binary format to something that can be interpreted by chrome:://tracing (or other clients).

I recommend downloading the binaries from the official hawktracer release.

For platforms that don't have a binary release you can build it from the main hawktracer repo.

Profiling code

In Cargo.toml:

version = "0.4.0"

If the bindings that come with it don't match what your platform expects change it to:

features=["profiling_enabled", "generate_bindings"]

In your

extern crate rust_hawktracer;
use rust_hawktracer::*;
use std::{thread, time};

fn main() {
    let instance = HawktracerInstance::new();
    let _listener = instance.create_listener(HawktracerListenerType::ToFile {
        file_path: "trace.bin".into(),
        buffer_size: 4096,

    // For a networked listner
    // let _listener = instance.create_listener(HawktracerListenerType::TCP {
    //     port: 12345,
    //     buffer_size: 4096,
    // });

    println!("Hello, world!");

            for _ in 0..10 {


If you use HawktracerListenerType::ToFile:

.\hawktracer-converter.exe --source trace.bin --output trace.json

If you use HawktracerListenerType::TCP you can listen and capture traces by specifying the IP:port as the --source parameter:

.\hawktracer-converter.exe --source --output trace.json

Open a chrome browser and go to this address: chrome://tracing/

By opening the trace.json for the program above you should see something like:

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Things to watch out for

In rust macros I can't create new identifier names. This means that if you want to avoid warnings, the tracepoint names have to start with a leading _, as in scoped_tracepoint!(_my_tracepoint_name).


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