[][src]Module pushrod::widgets

widgets is a core rendering library used by Pushrod, containing the default set of Widgets.



This is a CheckboxWidget, which acts similar to a ToggleButtonWidget, but does not fill the box with a black/white color on select. Rather, it enables/disables a checkbox to indicate a selected option.


This is an ImageButtonWidget, which acts like a PushButonWidget, drawing an image on the left-hand side of the bounds of the Widget, then the text next to it, justified left.


This is an ImageWidget, which draws an Image in a clipped area.


This is a ProgressWidget, which draws a progress bar.


This is a PushButtonWidget, which draws text in a Widget that can be clicked. It triggers an on_click callback when the button is clicked.


This is a SliderWidget that displays a slider in a movable area, which changes values from min to max bounds.


This is a TextWidget, which draws text in a clipped area.


This is a TimerWidget, which times out after a specified duration, triggering a callback after the timeout is exceeded.


This is a ToggleButtonWidget, which acts similar to a PushButtonWidget except that it triggers on_toggle callbacks when the state changes.