rust-lapper 0.3.9

A fast and easy interval overlap library




This is a rust port of Brent Pendersen's nim-lapper. It has a few notable differences, mostly that the find and seek methods both return iterators, so all adaptor methods may be used normally.

This crate works well for interval data that does not include very long intervals that engulf a majority of other intervals. In comparisons against other intervals trees, it is twice as slow in the worst case scenario of an interval spanning the whole set of possible positions.

However, on more typical datasets, this crate is between 4-10x faster than other interval overlap methods.


Benchmarks performed on a sub 100% hit rate dataset:

crate/method mean time
rust_lapper/find 11.886 us
rust_lapper/seek 3.1825 us
nested_intervals/query_overlapping 34.500 us
bio/find 30.664

Benchmarks with a whole set spanning interval:

crate/method mean time
rust_lapper/find 61.184 us
rust_lapper/seek 61.386 us
nested_intervals/query_overlapping 36.144
bio/find 34.691 us

nested_intervals rust-bio


use rust_lapper::{Interval, Lapper};

type Iv = Interval<u32>;
fn main() {
    // create some fake data
    let data: Vec<Iv> = vec![
        Iv{start: 70, stop: 120, val: 0}, // max_len = 50
        Iv{start: 10, stop: 15, val: 0},
        Iv{start: 10, stop: 15, val: 0}, // exact overlap
        Iv{start: 12, stop: 15, val: 0}, // inner overlap
        Iv{start: 14, stop: 16, val: 0}, // overlap end
        Iv{start: 40, stop: 45, val: 0},
        Iv{start: 50, stop: 55, val: 0},
        Iv{start: 60, stop: 65, val: 0},
        Iv{start: 68, stop: 71, val: 0}, // overlap start
        Iv{start: 70, stop: 75, val: 0},

    // Make lapper structure
    let mut lapper = Lapper::new(data);
    // Iterator based find to extract all intervals that overlap 6..7
    // If your queries are coming in start sorted order, use the seek method to retain a cursor for
    // a big speedup.
        lapper.find(11, 15).collect::<Vec<&Iv>>(), vec![
            &Iv{start: 10, stop: 15, val: 0},
            &Iv{start: 10, stop: 15, val: 0}, // exact overlap
            &Iv{start: 12, stop: 15, val: 0}, // inner overlap
            &Iv{start: 14, stop: 16, val: 0}, // overlap end

    // Merge overlapping regions within the lapper to simlify and speed up queries that only depend
    // on 'any' overlap and not how many
        lapper.find(11, 15).collect::<Vec<&Iv>>(), vec![
            &Iv{start: 10, stop: 16, val: 0},

    // Get the number of positions covered by the lapper tree:
    assert_eq!(lapper.cov(), 73);

    // Get the union and intersect of two different lapper trees
    let data = vec![
        Iv{start: 5, stop: 15, val: 0},
        Iv{start: 48, stop: 80, val: 0},
    let (union, intersect) = lapper.union_and_intersect(&Lapper::new(data));
    assert_eq!(union, 88);
    assert_eq!(intersect, 27);