Crate rusqbin [] [src]

Rusqbin is a web server that stashes your requests for later retrieval. It is available as both a binary and a library.

Rusqbin's web API is the following :

  • POST /rusqbins To create a bin and get back bin_id
  • GET /rusqbins To list bin summaries
  • GET /rusqbins/${bin_id} To get bin-specific information (lists all requests in the bin)
  • DELETE /rusqbins/${bin_id} To delete a bin

In any other case, send requests with a X-Rusqbin-Id header with a bin_id to have your requests logged to a bin for later retrieval.

To use it as a binary, simply install it using cargo install rusqbin and then cargo rusqbin, and follow the simple usage instructions.

To use it as a library from within Rust code:

use rusqbin::storage::*;
use rusqbin::server::*;
use rusqbin::models::*;
use rustc_serialize::json;
use hyper::client::Client;
use std::io::Read;

// Start a BinsServer on port 9000
let s = BinsServer::new(7000, InMemoryBins::new());
let mut l = s.start().unwrap();

let client = Client::new();

// Create a bin via HTTP
let mut resp ="http://localhost:7000/rusqbins").send().unwrap();
let mut string = String::new();
let _ = resp.read_to_string(&mut string).unwrap();
let bin: BinSummary = json::decode(&*string).unwrap();
let bin_id =;

// Fire an HTTP request with the proper X-Rusqbin-Id header
let _ = client.get("http://localhost:7000/hello").header(XRusqBinId(bin_id.to_owned())).send().unwrap();

// Access bin storage from within Rust code.
let ref storage =;
let bin_requests: &Bin = storage.get_bin(&;
let ref req = bin_requests[0];

assert_eq!(req.method, "GET".to_owned());
assert_eq!(req.path, "/hello".to_owned());


In the example above, we use the default InMemoryBins for storage, but you can pass any given implementation of rusqbin::storage::Bins when creating a BinsServer.

Requestbin written in Rust. Inspired by Requestinator



Project-specific errors and From implementations to wrap errors from foreign modules.


Various models and associated helpers and type aliases.


Defines a BinsServer, which can serve requests against bins.


Defines a Bins trait for storing Requests as well as a default in-memory implementation of that trait for easy testing.