ruspiro-channel 0.1.1

Bare Metal Channel implementations for `no-std` environments, only requiring an allocator to be provided.
# RusPiRo Channel

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## Usage

To use this crate simply add the dependency to your ``Cargo.toml`` file:

ruspiro-channel = "0.1.1"

The crate actually implements a *multi producer - multi consumer* (mpmc) channel only. The channel itself is non blocking but uses atomic operations. When used in a bare metal Raspberry Pi project it has to ensured that atomic operations can be used (configured and enabled MMU - see [`ruspiro-mmu`]( crate).

The creation of a channel provides the sender and the receiver part of it. Both can be cloned if required.

use ruspiro_channel::mpmc;

fn main() {
  let (tx, rx) = mpmc::channel();

  // this is non-blocking and returns `Err` if the channel has no more data
  if let Ok(value) = tx.recv() {
    assert_eq!(value, 50);

With the `async` feature activated an async-channel can be created and the receiver is able to `await` available messages.

// it's assumed the crate is compiled with features = ["async"]
use ruspiro_channel::mpmc;

async fn foo() {
  let (tx, mut rx) = mpmc::async_channel();

  while let Some(value) = {
    assert_eq!(value, 42);

## Features

Feature   | Description
**async** | Enables the `async` version of the channel implementation.