ruspiro-arch-aarch64 0.1.5

This crate provides access to Aarch64 system registers as well as specific usefull aarch64 assembly instructions
name = "ruspiro-arch-aarch64"
authors = ["André Borrmann <>"]
version = "0.1.5" # remember to update html_root_url in
description = """
This crate provides access to Aarch64 system registers as well as specific usefull aarch64 assembly instructions
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
readme = ""
repository = ""
documentation = ""
categories = ["no-std", "embedded"]
keywords = ["ruspiro", "aarch64", "register"]
edition = "2018"
exclude = ["Makefile.toml", ".cargo/config.toml"]

maintenance = { status = "actively-developed" }


# uncomment this if a script should be run as part of the build process
# cc = "1.0"

ruspiro-register = "0.5"

ruspiro_pi3 = [ ]

ruspiro-register = { git = "", branch = "development" }