Expand description

The pluggable io stream. now support: stdio, string io, in memory pipe.


  • support common operation: stdin, stdout, stderr, stringin, stringout, pipein and pipeout.
  • thin interface
  • support testing stream io
  • minimum support rustc 1.56.1 (59eed8a2a 2021-11-01)


Example of stdio :

use runnel::RunnelIoeBuilder;
let sioe = RunnelIoeBuilder::new().build();

Example of stringio :

use runnel::RunnelIoeBuilder;
use std::io::{BufRead, Write};

let sioe = RunnelIoeBuilder::new()

// pluggable stream in
let mut lines_iter = sioe.pin().lock().lines().map(|l| l.unwrap());
assert_eq!(lines_iter.next(), Some(String::from("ABCDE")));
assert_eq!(lines_iter.next(), Some(String::from("efgh")));
assert_eq!(lines_iter.next(), None);

// pluggable stream out
let res = sioe.pout().lock()
    .write_fmt(format_args!("{}\nACBDE\nefgh\n", 1234));
assert_eq!(sioe.pout().lock().buffer_str(), "1234\nACBDE\nefgh\n");

// pluggable stream err
let res = sioe.perr().lock()
    .write_fmt(format_args!("{}\nACBDE\nefgh\n", 1234));
assert_eq!(sioe.perr().lock().buffer_str(), "1234\nACBDE\nefgh\n");

Example of pipeio :

use runnel::RunnelIoeBuilder;
use runnel::medium::pipeio::pipe;
use std::io::{BufRead, Write};

// create in memory pipe
let (a_out, a_in) = pipe(1);

// a working thread
let sioe = RunnelIoeBuilder::new()
    .pout(a_out)    // pluggable pipe out
let handler = std::thread::spawn(move || {
    for line in sioe.pin().lock().lines().map(|l| l.unwrap()) {
        let mut out = sioe.pout().lock();
        let _ = out.write_fmt(format_args!("{}\n", line));
        let _ = out.flush();

// a main thread
let sioe = RunnelIoeBuilder::new()
    .pin(a_in)      // pluggable pipe in
let mut lines_iter = sioe.pin().lock().lines().map(|l| l.unwrap());
assert_eq!(lines_iter.next(), Some(String::from("ABCDE")));
assert_eq!(lines_iter.next(), Some(String::from("efgh")));
assert_eq!(lines_iter.next(), None);



The implementation for StreamIn, StreamOut, StreamErr


The set of StreamIn, StreamOut, StreamErr.

The builder for RunnelIoe


A stream err

A locked reference to StreamErr

A stream in

A locked reference to StreamIn

A stream out

A locked reference to StreamOut