rump 0.1.0

Text snippets on the command line.
# Rump

**Rump** is a command line tool for quick storage and retrival of text snippets. It is a port of [Bang]([Gong]([Pork]( to Rust. Rump provides an executable, `rump`, as well as programmatic access to the text snippets via a Rust library.

## Synopsis

Usage: rump [OPTIONS] [KEY] [VALUE]

    -h --help           output usage information
    -v --version        output the version number
    -d --delete KEY     delete the specified key

## CLI usage

Get a key:

``` bash
rump my_key

Set a key:

rump my_key my_value

Delete a key:

rump -d my_key

## Library usage

Import the crate and command module:

``` rust
extern crate rump;
use rump::commands;

Get a key:

``` rust
let value: Option<String> = commands::get("my_key");

Set a key:

``` rust
commands::set("my_key", "my_value");

Delete a key:

``` rust

## Storage

Data is serialized to JSON and stored in a file at `~/.rump`.

## License
