Module ruma_state_res::event_auth[][src]


Authenticate the incoming event. The steps of authentication are:

For the given event kind what are the relevant auth events that are needed to authenticate this content.

Can this room federate based on its event.

Is the user allowed to send a specific event based on the rooms power levels. Does the event have the correct userId as it’s state_key if it’s not the “” state_key.

Check user can send invite.

Is the event’s sender in the room that they sent the event to.

Check that the member event matches state.

Confirm that the event sender has the required power levels.

Does the event redacting come from a user with enough power to redact the given event.

Helper function to fetch a field, name, from a “” event’s content. or return default if no power level event is found or zero if no field matches name.

Helper function to fetch the power level needed to send an event of type e_type based on the rooms “” event.

Helper function to fetch a users default power level from a “” event’s users object.

Does the user who sent this member event have required power levels to do so.