ruma-client-api 0.7.1

Types for the endpoints in the Matrix client-server API.
Build #236244 2020-04-03T17:58:13.281768+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.44.0-nightly (537ccdf3a 2020-04-02)
# version
docsrs 0.6.0 (198811f 2020-04-03)

# build log
[INFO] running `"docker" "create" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace/builds/ruma-client-api-0.7.1/target:/opt/rustwide/target:rw,Z" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace/builds/ruma-client-api-0.7.1/source:/opt/rustwide/workdir:ro,Z" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace/cargo-home:/opt/rustwide/cargo-home:ro,Z" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace/rustup-home:/opt/rustwide/rustup-home:ro,Z" "-e" "SOURCE_DIR=/opt/rustwide/workdir" "-e" "MAP_USER_ID=1001" "-e" "CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/opt/rustwide/target" "-e" "RUSTFLAGS=" "-e" "RUSTDOCFLAGS=-Z unstable-options --resource-suffix -20200402-1.44.0-nightly-537ccdf3a --static-root-path / --cap-lints warn --extern-html-root-url serde= --extern-html-root-url serde_json= --extern-html-root-url js_int= --extern-html-root-url ruma_api= --extern-html-root-url url= --extern-html-root-url ruma_identifiers= --extern-html-root-url strum= --extern-html-root-url ruma_events= --extern-html-root-url http=" "-e" "CARGO_HOME=/opt/rustwide/cargo-home" "-e" "RUSTUP_HOME=/opt/rustwide/rustup-home" "-w" "/opt/rustwide/workdir" "-m" "3221225472" "--network" "none" "rustops/crates-build-env" "/opt/rustwide/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+nightly" "doc" "--lib" "--no-deps" "-j2"`
[INFO] [stderr] WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
[INFO] [stdout] 28ad014f4051a8c82e7d7113c6cf4e67075acb7efc48fc763ac711510050e48e
[INFO] running `"docker" "start" "-a" "28ad014f4051a8c82e7d7113c6cf4e67075acb7efc48fc763ac711510050e48e"`
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.10
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling unicode-xid v0.2.0
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling syn v1.0.17
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling libc v0.2.68
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling serde v1.0.105
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling getrandom v0.1.14
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking matches v0.1.8
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking smallvec v1.2.0
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking cfg-if v0.1.10
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking ppv-lite86 v0.2.6
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking percent-encoding v2.1.0
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling ryu v1.0.3
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking itoa v0.4.5
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling unicode-segmentation v1.6.0
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking dtoa v0.4.5
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking fnv v1.0.6
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking bytes v0.5.4
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking unicode-bidi v0.3.4
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking unicode-normalization v0.1.12
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling heck v0.3.1
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking http v0.2.1
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling quote v1.0.3
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking idna v0.2.0
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking rand_core v0.5.1
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking rand_chacha v0.2.2
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking rand v0.7.3
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling serde_derive v1.0.105
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling strum_macros v0.18.0
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling ruma-api-macros v0.12.0
[INFO] [stderr]    Compiling ruma-events-macros v0.3.0
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking strum v0.18.0
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking url v2.1.1
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking serde_json v1.0.50
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking js_int v0.1.4
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking ruma-identifiers v0.14.1
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking serde_urlencoded v0.6.1
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking ruma-events v0.18.0
[INFO] [stderr]     Checking ruma-api v0.15.0
[INFO] [stderr]  Documenting ruma-client-api v0.7.1 (/opt/rustwide/workdir)
[INFO] [stderr] warning: unnecessary braces around block return value
[INFO] [stderr]   |
[INFO] [stderr]   = note: `#[warn(unused_braces)]` on by default
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] warning: unnecessary braces around block return value
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr]     Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1m 14s
[INFO] running `"docker" "inspect" "28ad014f4051a8c82e7d7113c6cf4e67075acb7efc48fc763ac711510050e48e"`
[INFO] running `"docker" "rm" "-f" "28ad014f4051a8c82e7d7113c6cf4e67075acb7efc48fc763ac711510050e48e"`
[INFO] [stdout] 28ad014f4051a8c82e7d7113c6cf4e67075acb7efc48fc763ac711510050e48e