[][src]Crate ruma_api

Crate ruma_api contains core types used to define the requests and responses for each endpoint in the various Matrix API specifications. These types can be shared by client and server code for all Matrix APIs.

When implementing a new Matrix API, each endpoint has a request type which implements Endpoint, and a response type connected via an associated type.

An implementation of Endpoint contains all the information about the HTTP method, the path and input parameters for requests, and the structure of a successful response. Such types can then be used by client code to make requests, and by server code to fulfill those requests.



This module contains types for all kinds of errors that can occur when converting between http requests / responses and ruma's representation of matrix API requests / responses.



Generates a ruma_api::Endpoint from a concise definition.



Metadata about an API endpoint.



A Matrix API endpoint.


Gives users the ability to define their own serializable/deserializable errors.


A type that can be sent to another party that understands the matrix protocol. If any of the fields of Self don't implement serde's Deserialize, you can derive this trait to generate a corresponding 'Incoming' type that supports deserialization. This is useful for things like ruma_events' EventResult type. For more details, see the derive macro's documentation.

Derive Macros


Derive the Outgoing trait, possibly generating an 'Incoming' version of the struct this derive macro is used on. Specifically, if no #[wrap_incoming] attribute is used on any of the fields of the struct, this simple implementation will be generated: