Module ructe::Template_syntax [] [src]

This module describes the template syntax used by ructe.

The syntax is inspired by Twirl, the Scala-based template engine in Play framework, but of course with rust types expressions instead of scala.

A template consists of three basic parts: First a preamble of use statements, each prepended by an @ sign. Secondly a declaration of the parameters the template takes. And third, the template body.

@use any::rust::Type;

@(name: &str, items: Vec<Type>)


The curly brackets, { and }, is used for blocks (see Loops, Conditionals, and Calling other templates below). To use them in the template body, they must be escaped as @{ and @}.



A value expression can be as simple as @name to get the value of a parameter, but more complicated expressions, including function calls, are also allowed.


A ructe @for loop works works just as a rust for loop, iterating over anything that implements std::iter::IntoIterator, such as a Vec or a slice.


Both @if statements with boolean expressions and match-like guard @if let statements are supported.


The ability to call other templates for from a template makes both "tag libraries" and "base templates" possible with the same syntax.