rubber_duck 0.1.0

Enables building functions that can be called with named arg syntax failed to build rubber_duck-0.1.0
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Visit the last successful build: rubber_duck-0.2.2


This crate provides a psuedo-implementation of one of many named argument RFCs. It's not exactly like the real thing, given that macros are used instead of real compiler support. This crate provides an attribute-like proc macro to annotate a function with to generate named argument support.

That annotation does the following:

  • Generates a struct with the same arguments as the function
    • along with an associated builder() function
    • and this struct is hidden from docs by default
  • Generates a builder for said struct method
    • It's a type-safe builder, and requires that each method without a default value must be called
    • The build function converts the builder back into the argument struct
    • This is strcut is also doc hidden
  • Default values can be specified in the annotation for the fields, for each
    • The field type is wrapped in an Option (e.g. T changes from T to Option)
    • A default value of None is specified on the builder
    • And with type of Option, the builder setter for the field accepts T or Option
  • The positional argumentss can be specified as well (no defaults allowed for those)
  • A macro is generated with the same name as the function, which accepts named parameters
    • creates the builder
    • sets whatever arguments are passed in
    • calls build (which will be a compile error if not all named values are provided if the lack defaults)

So how this all works out is that we overload the method name in several namespaces (fn, struct and macro), such that the consumer can just us the plain fn or the macro


This implementation punts on the declaration side - e.g. how to declare the parameters as being named, and how to specify parameter defaults. It instead specifies all those in the attribute to avoid parsing issues. A future version could switch from an attribute-like proc macro to a function-like proc macro to actually experiment with delcaration syntax

This version doesn't deal well with generics. That seems like a solvable limitation in this approach

This version only works with stand alone functions, not functions in impl blocks. That should be solveable as well.

This version requires nightly (for decl. macro 2.0 and proc_macro_gen) and the 2018 edition (due to macro paths). While proc_macro_gen might be stabalized soon, decl. macros 2.0 won't (I think). Decl. Macros 2.0 were used instead of macro_rules to get proper module namespacing support for the generated macros

Probably bug imposed

The macros exported from rubber_duck don't appear in the rubber_duck docs

The macros generated for the api declarer don't get shown in the correct module in the generated docs Github issue #54112



  • Use edition 2018 (macro paths between editions interact very poorly with what I'm doing)
  • Use nightly

Writing an API


Add this at the top of your if you're implementing an API and want to expose

// Allows us to generate macros from macros
// Allows the use of declarative macros 2.0 (which are generated from the proc macro

// Hide the base items the macro internals use
// Import the base items the macro internals use
// This must be at the base of the crate
pub use rubber_duck::core::*;

Annotating Functions

To make a function callable in macro named syntax, in the same mod as the function, import the macros:

use ::rubber_duck::macros::*;

Then annotate a function with #[gen_struct_sugar] - that will be enough to generate a macro with that can be called with named => value syntax.

Furthermore, you can declare a) positional parameters and b) default values for named parameters

       defaults( // You don't have to set defaults for all named parameters, but here we do
           read = "false",
           write = "false",
           append = "false",
           truncate = "false",
           create = "false",
           create_new = "false",
       positionals(path), // Here we list the positional parameters in the order they appear
   pub fn open_file(
       path: impl AsRef<Path>,
       read: bool,
       write: bool,
       append: bool,
       truncate: bool,
       create: bool,
       create_new: bool,
   ) -> std::io::Result<File> {

Consuming an API

To consume an API, one can a) call the method, like normal - any methods that have default values of type T will actually be of type Option b) call the method with a bang ! - any positional parameters must go first in proper order without names, the named parameters go next in the form of name => value, where name is the publish arg name in the docs

Furthermore, consumer is in a separate crate from the writer, they don't need any feature flags enabled

They still need to be on nightly though and probably 2018 (because of paths...)


Given api declaration:

mod module {
  >    #[gen_struct_sugar(defaults(name = r#""Bob".to_owned()"#))]
  >    pub fn is_a_test(name: String, message: String) -> String {
      >        let i = 0;
      >        let i = i + 1;
      >        format!("{}) Hello {}, {} The end.", i, &name, &message)
          >    }
  > }

One can call the function in a variety of ways

    use crate::module::is_a_test
     // Named form requires a macro
    is_a_test!(message=> "Hi.".to_owned(), name=>"George".to_owned());  // 1) Hello George. Hi. The end.
     // and lets you use defaults
    is_a_test!(message=> "Hi.".to_owned());                             // 1) Hello Bob. Hi. The end.
     // Positional form doesn't (need a macro or let you do defaults)
    is_a_test("bob".to_owned(), "Hi.".to_owned());                      // 1) Hello Bob. Hi. The end.
// You don't even have to import it!
crate::module::is_a_test!(message=> "there".to_owned(), name=>"hi".to_owned());