Crate rsip

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A general purpose library of common SIP types

Like http crate, this crate is a general purpose library for common types found when working with the SIP protocol. You’ll find SipMessage and its Request / Response variant types for working as either a client or a server as well as all of their components, like Method, a very flexible Uri, Version, StatusCode etc.

Rsip is capable of parsing messages from bytes, &str or String using nom parser and can also generate SIP messages using helpful struct builders.

You will notably not find an implementation of sending requests or spinning up a SIP server in this crate. SIP servers, by nature of SIP protocol, are very complex usually and will sit at different crates/libs. Rsip is intended to be the de-facto SIP base library for Rust. It was built to be used inside viska initially but then was split to a different crate. It was inspired by libsip but has taken a bit different path regarding parsing, flexibility & safety.

For locating SIP servers (RFC3263) take a look on rsip-dns library.

SIP: It’s all about headers

In case you haven’t worked with SIP before let me tell you one thing: headers in SIP play a crucial role, basically most of your logic resides around the headers (and there are plenty of them :) ). Status and Method of course have their role, but there decisions are more straightforward on what you need to do.

Rsip takes a unique role regarding headers mixing together safety and flexibility: by default rsip will parse all headers and convert them to distinct untyped header types, as part of the big fat Header enum. Each untyped header is basically a NewType around String. This means that, apart from non-UTF8 compliant headers, any header is supported even if your client has a bug or rsip itself has a bug somewhere in a typed header. Also, any parsing on complex headers takes place only when needed, on demand.

Untyped headers have their use, but in practice when you want to interact with a header, you need to convert it to its typed form. Not all headers have a typed form, for instance, some headers are just opaque strings (like CallID), or some headers just need helpful methods instead of a whole new typed struct (like Expires, which provides the seconds method).

For instance, creating a new Call-ID header can easily be done like (examples taken from RFC3665):

use rsip::headers::UntypedHeader;

Similarly, generating a From header:

use rsip::headers::{From, UntypedHeader};
let from = rsip::headers::From::new("Bob <>;tag=a73kszlfl");

If you want to automatically include all defined traits in Rsip, you can include the prelude:

use rsip::prelude::*;
let from = rsip::headers::From::new("Bob <>;tag=a73kszlfl");

While for Call-Id, it’s fine to pass in an str (which probably will be generated & saved somewhere else in your application), for many headers working with plain strings doesn’t make much sense, like in the From header. As mentioned, the main reason untyped headers exist is performance (parsing takes place only when needed) and flexibility (you can throw in there whatever you like ^_^).

In order to generate a From header, you will probably need to use its typed version:

use rsip::headers::typed::TypedHeader;

let typed_from: rsip::typed::From = rsip::typed::From {
    display_name: Some("Bob".into()),
    uri: rsip::Uri {
        scheme: Some(rsip::Scheme::Sips),
        auth: Some(rsip::Auth {
            user: "Bob".into(),
            password: None,
        host_with_port: rsip::Domain::from("").into(),
    params: vec![rsip::Param::Tag(rsip::param::Tag::new("a73kszlfl"))],

Uri: a flexible uri struct

As you can see in the typed From example, a very crucial part is the Uri. The uri we want to generate is as in the untyped header above. Hence:

  • we specify hat the scheme of the Uri is Scheme::Sips
  • we specify the auth part of the Uri, but only the user part which is Bob. We do that using the helpful Auth struct,
  • we specify the host part of the Uri, which is defined in the Uri as HostWithPort struct. In our case, it is a simple domain without a port specified. For that we can use the Domain struct that has an automatic convertion to HostWithPort struct. In general you will find a lot of helpful (Try)From/(Try)Into convertions to remove boilerplate. According to SIP spec, the URI can hold params (like method) and headers, although in practice none really puts those to a SIP URI. That’s why we have defaults in there.

It is important to note that in order to set the tag param, we use the Tag struct, found inside the param module. In the same module you will find various other params that can be used in headers like From, To, Contact, Via etc.

In general, there are tons of helpful (Try)From/(Try)Into convertions to remove boilerplate. So when you have a typed header, it’s easy to take its untyped form:

let untyped_from: rsip::headers::From = typed_from.into();

Header: the matching enum

Header is the enum that holds all variants of the headers. It is there so it’s easy to do matches to find relevant headers.

Continuing from the previous section, if you want to get the typed or untyped headers as part of the Header enum you can do the following:

let from: rsip::Header = typed_from.into();
let from: rsip::Header = untyped_from.into();

In case a header is not defined in Rsip, parsing will store it in Header enum in the Other variant. For instance, constructing the X-Fs-Sending-Message header (related to SMS in SIP), you can do:

let x_fs_sending_message = rsip::Header::Other("X-FS-Sending-Message".into(), "f9c4adc8-9c2a-47d5-a7f1-63d20784685e".into());

Headers: a vec of headers

Headers is a newtype around Vec<Header>, but it’s there to give you better safety along with some helpful methods. In SIP, many headers are allowed to appear more than once time, so if we want to provide something else, maybe we should go with something similar to what the http crate does (a multimap HashMap to take advantage of the characteristics of HTTP headers). But this shouldn’t worry you as the external API will remain the same even if the internal implementation is moved from a Vec<Header> to a multimap HashMap.

In order to push some headers in the Headers you can simple do:

let mut request_headers: rsip::Headers = Default::default();

The SIP Messages: Request & Response

Request & Response are the main structs that you will use just before you finish creating a SIP message. Creating those are very intuitive as you will only need to “fill-in” their fields. Creating a SIP request while having already a Headers vec:

let request = rsip::Request {
    method: rsip::Method::Register,
    uri: rsip::Uri {
        scheme: Some(rsip::Scheme::Sips),
        host_with_port: rsip::Domain::from("").into(),
    headers: request_headers,
    version: rsip::Version::V2,
    body: vec![],

Now you have an rsip::Request, but sometimes it is helpful to work with the rsip::SipMessage enum, especially when you are sitting on the receiver’s side. In order to convert a Request (or a Response) to a SipMessage it’s simple:

let sip_message: rsip::SipMessage = request.into();
let sip_message = rsip::SipMessage::Request(request);

Similarly, creating a response when having already defined the headers in a response_headers variable:

let response = rsip::Response {
    status_code: 401.into(),
    headers: response_headers,
    version: rsip::Version::V2,
    body: vec![],

let sip_message: rsip::SipMessage = response.into();


pub use headers::Header;
pub use headers::Headers;
pub use message::Request;
pub use message::Response;
pub use message::SipMessage;
pub use crate::common::uri::*;
pub use crate::common::*;
pub use crate::message::header_macros::*;


A module containing helpful services that go beyond headers and messages.




The Error enum indicates that something went wrong
