initSidebarItems({"enum":[["FitnessType","Whether to maximize or to minimize the fitness value."],["RunResult","The result of running an entire simulation."],["StepResult","The result of running a single step."]],"mod":[["select","The selection module provides a trait that can be implemented to implement new selection algorithms. This module also provides a couple of useful selection algorithms."],["seq","Contains a sequential implementation of `::sim::Simulation`, called a `Simulator`."]],"trait":[["Builder","A `Builder` can create new instances of an object. For this library, only `Simulation` objects use this `Builder`."],["Simulation","A `Simulation` is an execution of a genetic algorithm."]],"type":[["NanoSecond","Simulation run time is defined in nanoseconds."],["SimResult","The result of a simulation, containing the best phenotype or an error message."]]});