[][src]Function rsa_der::public_key_to_der

pub fn public_key_to_der(n: &[u8], e: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8>

Encodes an RSA public key to DER bytes, as specified by the PKCS#8 format.

The n and e parameters are the big-endian modulus and exponent of the public key, respectively. Simple u8 slices are used to allow usage of this function in conjunction with any crypto library.


Encoding an RSA public key generated using the rsa crate:

use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use rsa_der::public_key_to_der;
use rsa::{RSAPrivateKey, PublicKey};

let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
let key = RSAPrivateKey::new(&mut rng, 2048).unwrap();

let der_bytes = public_key_to_der(&key.n().to_bytes_be(), &key.e().to_bytes_be());