Crate rs_graph

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A library for basic graph data structures and algorithms.


pub use self::graph::BiNumberedEdge;
pub use self::graph::NumberedDigraph;
pub use self::graph::NumberedEdge;
pub use self::graph::NumberedGraph;
pub use self::graph::NumberedNetwork;
pub use self::graph::NumberedNode;
pub use self::graph::Digraph;
pub use self::graph::Edge;
pub use self::graph::Graph;
pub use self::graph::Network;
pub use self::graph::Node;
pub use self::graph::IndexDigraph;
pub use self::graph::IndexGraph;
pub use self::graph::IndexNetwork;
pub use self::reversedigraph::reverse;
pub use self::reversedigraph::ReverseDigraph;
pub use crate::builder::Buildable;
pub use crate::builder::Builder;
pub use self::attributed::Attributed;
pub use self::attributed::AttributedBuilder;
pub use self::attributed::AttributedGraph;
pub use self::attributed::AttributedNetwork;
pub use self::attributed::Attributes;
pub use self::attributed::NetworkAttributes;
pub use self::linkedlistgraph::LinkedListGraph;
pub use crate::vec::BiEdgeSlice;
pub use crate::vec::EdgeSlice;
pub use crate::vec::NodeSlice;
pub use crate::vec::BiEdgeVec;
pub use crate::vec::EdgeVec;
pub use crate::vec::NodeVec;
pub use crate::vec::IndexBiEdgeSlice;
pub use crate::vec::IndexEdgeSlice;
pub use crate::vec::IndexNodeSlice;
pub use crate::vec::IndexBiEdgeVec;
pub use crate::vec::IndexEdgeVec;
pub use crate::vec::IndexNodeVec;


General algorithms working on graphs.
Extend a graph with attributes.
Breath-first-search algorithms.
Compute a maximum weight branching.
Traits for constructing graphs.
Graph classes Some common graph classes.
Breath-first-search algorithms.
Visualizing graphs.
Traits for graph data structures.
A linked-list based graph implementation.
Maximum Network Flow algorithms.
Minimum spanning tree algorithms.
Reverse the direction of the edges of a digraph.
Shortest path algorithms.
This module provides vectors that can be indexed by nodes, edges or arcs.


Create a biedge vector associated with a LinkedListGraph.
Create an edge vector associated with a LinkedListGraph.
Create a biedge vector associated with a network.
Create an edge vector associated with a graph.
Create a node vector associated with a graph.
Create a node vector associated with a LinkedListGraph.


Trait for maps assigning values to edges of a graph.
Trait for mutable maps assigning values to edges of a graph.
Trait for maps assigning values to nodes of a graph.
Trait for mutable maps assigning values to nodes of a graph.

Type Definitions

The default graph type.