Crate rs_graph_derive [] [src]

This create provides automatic graph derivations.

In order to automatically implement graph traits for a struct that contains the actual graph data structure in a field, add #[derive(Graph)] to the struct. The field containing the graph must either be named graph or be attributed with #[graph]. All graph traits (Graph, Digraph, Network, IndexGraph and IndexNetwork) that are implemented for the nested graph, are implemented for the annotated struct, too.


extern crate rs_graph;
extern crate rs_graph_derive;
use rs_graph::{Graph, IndexGraph};
use rs_graph::linkedlistgraph::*;
use rs_graph::classes;

struct MyGraph {
    #[graph] graph: LinkedListGraph, // #[graph] not need for fields named `graph`.
    balances: Vec<f64>,
    bounds: Vec<f64>,

impl From<LinkedListGraph> for MyGraph {
    fn from(g: LinkedListGraph) -> MyGraph {
        let n = g.num_nodes();
        let m = g.num_edges();
        MyGraph {
            graph: g,
            balances: vec![0.0; n],
            bounds: vec![0.0; m],

impl MyGraph {
    fn balance_mut(&mut self, u: Node) -> &mut f64 {
        &mut self.balances[self.graph.node_id(u)]

    fn bound_mut(&mut self, e: Edge) -> &mut f64 {
        &mut self.bounds[self.graph.edge_id(e)]

let mut g: MyGraph = classes::path::<LinkedListGraph>(5).into();
let (s, t) = (g.id2node(0), g.id2node(4));
*g.balance_mut(s) = 1.0;
*g.balance_mut(t) = -1.0;
for e in g.edges() { *g.bound_mut(e) = g.edge_id(e) as f64; }

