Expand description

Loaders for definitions.

Custom loaders

If you need a certain loader and this crate doesn’t provide it you can use the below example to help you make your own loader if you desperately need it.

use std::{collections::HashMap, io::{ self, BufReader, }};
use rscache::{
    Cache, extension::ReadExt,
    definition::osrs::{ Definition, FetchDefinition },
fn main() -> Result<(), rscache::Error> {
    let cache = Cache::new("./data/osrs_cache")?;
    let custom_loader = CustomLoader::new(&cache)?;
    let definition = custom_loader.load(1042);

    if let Some(def) = definition {
        println!("id: {}, name: {}", def.id, def.name);


// Newtype defining the loader.
struct CustomLoader(HashMap<u16, CustomDefinition>);
impl CustomLoader {
    fn new(cache: &Cache) -> Result<Self, rscache::Error> {
        // Some definitions are all contained within one archive.
        // Other times one archive only contains one definition, but in most cases
        // for OSRS they are stored as multiple definitions per archive.

        let index_id = 2; // Config index.
        let archive_id = 10; // Contains all ItemDefinitions.

        let map = CustomDefinition::fetch_from_archive(cache, index_id, archive_id)?;


    // Simple HashMap lookup.
    fn load(&self, id: u16) -> Option<&CustomDefinition> {

// Your definition with all the required fields. (in this example it's just a ItemDefinition)
struct CustomDefinition {
    pub id: u16,
    pub name: String,

impl Definition for CustomDefinition {
    fn new(id: u16, buffer: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, rscache::Error> {
        let mut reader = BufReader::new(buffer);
        let def = decode_buffer(id, &mut reader)?;

fn decode_buffer(id: u16, reader: &mut BufReader<&[u8]>) -> io::Result<CustomDefinition> {
    // Parse the buffer into a definition.
    let mut def = CustomDefinition {
        .. CustomDefinition::default()

    loop {
        let opcode = reader.read_u8()?;

        match opcode {
            // 0 indicates to stop parsing. Skipping for now because we are
            // only interested in the name.
            // 0 => break,
            2 => { def.name = reader.read_string()?; break; },
            // Skipping the rest of the buffer for the sake of the example,
            // every opcode should be parsed into values of the definition.
            _ => { if reader.buffer().len() == 0 { break; } }
            // Should normally be:
            // _ => unreachable!()



OSRS loaders.


RS3 loaders.