Macro rp2040_hal::bsp_pins[][src]

macro_rules! bsp_pins {
    ($($(#[$id_cfg : meta]) * $Id : ident
       $(#[$name_doc : meta]) * name : $name : ident $(,) ?
       $(aliases :
         { $($(#[$alias_cfg : meta]) * $Mode : ident : $Alias : ident), + }) ?
   } $(,) ?) +) => { ... };
    (@ aliases,
 $($($(#[$attr : meta]) * $Id : ident $Mode : ident $Alias : ident) +) ?) => { ... };
Expand description

Helper macro to give meaningful names to GPIO pins

The normal Pins struct names each Pin according to its PinId. However, BSP authors would prefer to name each Pin according to its function. This macro defines a new Pins struct with custom field names for each Pin, and it defines type aliases and constants to make it easier to work with the Pins and DynPins.

When specifying pin aliases, be sure to use a PinMode. See here for a list of the available PinMode type aliases.
